Wikileaks states that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has published thousands of documents mentioned in secret hacking tools that can be used to invade the general public, cars, computers, and smart TVs.
Wikileaks, which has released everything, from US diplomatic power data to Hillary Clinton's election chairperson's vs., released a document on March 7, US time under the code name "Vault 7".These documents may expose the most important hacking techniques of the CIA used to invade systems around the world.The US CNET has not been able to confirm whether the truth or whether the document has been tampered with.
Jonathan Liu, who is in charge of Public Relations in the CIA, said in an email, "We do not comment on the truth or content," but we do not comment on the truth or content.
The document suggests that the CIA could have invaded the OS mounted on the "iPhone" and "Android" smartphones, "Windows" and "Linux" computers.In other words, the CIA also accessed the data stored on the device, as well as the encrypted messages sent using popular services such as "WhatsApp", "Signal" and "Telegram".Wikileaks stated that gadgets such as "Samsung Smart TV" could become a device for intercept by hacking.
Wikileaks has been published in many confidential government documents.According to CBS News, experts who started scrutinizing materials stated that this document seemed to be real.However, it is unknown whether these programs are still being executed or affect the latest version of each OS.
Apple, Google, and Motorola have avoided comments on Wikileaks claims.Samsung has not responded to comment requests at this time.
A Microsoft spokeswoman said in an email, "We are aware of the press and are currently investigating."
The hacking tools described by Wikileaks are just to decipher the encrypted devices.According to the Wikileaks press release, this document finds a method for developing a program called "Weeking Angel" that can turn smart TVs into eavesdropping devices, and how to hack the control system of cars connected to the Internet.It indicates what he was.
It looks like a spy movie, but other diverse code names include "Brutal Kangaroo" that hides data in the image, and "Hammer Drill", which infects software distributed on CD or DVD.
According to Wikileaks, the CIA also "not reported even if I found it" the vulnerability of software operated by major technologies such as Apple and Microsoft, and was silent about Exploiting, so the CIA itself accessed from the backdoor.It was said that he could maintain it.
Wikileaks argues that the leak was acquired from a CIA network with advanced security in Langley, Virginia.According to CBS News, the CIA seems to have targeted computers, telephones and smart TVs.
This article edited an article from overseas CBS Interactive by Asahi Interactive for Japan.
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