The delivery deadline for the three -year vehicle tax type in the third year is May 31 (in some areas at the end of June).Did you pay for everyone?In the case of automobile tax, which must be paid in about one month after the notification arrives, there are cases where the delivery deadline was not enough.
Did you know that if you do not pay the automobile tax within the deadline, you will not be able to undergo a vehicle inspection (continuous inspection), but you will have a delinquency?This time, I will introduce the risks caused by forgetting to pay the automobile tax and how to deal with it.
Automobile tax can be paid by designated financial institutions, convenience stores, pay-earth, credit card payments, and recently smartphone payments.However, this variety of payment methods can be used to pay within the deadline.
If you look closely at the notification, you can see the deadline for paying convenience stores and credit card payments.After this period, you will not be able to pay a convenient convenience store and pay at the designated financial institution's window or at the tax office of each local government.
The deadline for payment methods via the Internet is handled by each local government, so please contact the tax office in each prefecture.
Automobile tax is also a good local tax.If the payment is delayed and the arrears are overdue, a delinquency will be charged.There is a description of the delinquency on the back of the automobile tax payment notice, but it is difficult to understand what kind of delinquency actually occurs because it is a little difficult.
Regarding the delinquency of local taxes, not limited to automobile tax, each local government has decided how to handle it.The rate of delinquency in the 3rd year is 2.5 % per year for periods from the day after the deadline to one month, and 8.8 % for the period after one month or later (over the year).The rate is slightly fluctuated).
For example, if the tax payment amount is 36,000 yen (1.5L to 2.0L or less for private use), the following calculation will be performed if you are delinquent for 50 days.
[36,000 yen (tax amount) x 2.5 % (annual rate) / 365 days] x 30 days (one month after the deadline) = 73 yen
[36,000 yen (tax amount) x 8.8 % (annual rate) / 365 days] x 20 days (1 month after the deadline) = 173 yen
The delinquency after 50 days is 73 yen + 173 yen, which is 246 yen.If there is a fraction of less than 1,000 yen in the tax amount, which is the basis of the calculation of delinquent funds, the entire fraction is cut off (it is different from the computing method of a general financial institution, etc.).
So, if you have to pay this 246 yen as a delinquent fund, it is not so.The delinquent items on the back of the notification are written as follows.
"If there is a fraction of less than 100 yen in the defined amount of the delinquency, the entire fraction is cut off when the amount is less than 1,000 yen."
In other words, in the case where the 50th is overdue this time, the delinquency is 246 yen and less than 1,000 yen, so the entire amount is cut off.The number of days until the arrears are added depends on the size of the standard tax amount.
By the way, in the case of an example of 36,000 yen in the above payment slip, the arrears exceeded 1,000 yen on October 15, 137 days after the arrears occurred.The arrears are 1,001 yen in calculation, but the amount to be paid is 1,000 yen because it is cut off for less than 100 yen.
Even after the deadline for the delivery, paying the automobile tax as soon as possible can prevent the addition of delinquent funds.In addition, to pay the basic automobile tax, use the receipt notification sent by a letter in May.In the event of an arrears, a payment notice with only the amount of the delinquency will be sent at a later date.
If you do not pay the vehicle tax, you will not be able to receive vehicle inspections, and if you do not continue paying without ignoring the reminder letter, the delinquency will increase, and eventually seizure of property (bank deposits, cars, real estate, etc.).It occurs.
There is a method of paying automobile taxes using card loans and credit card cashing, but it is not realistic to borrow money with interest exceeding the delinquent interest rate.
If you can't pay, there is a way to pay in installments.For more information, please contact the prefectural tax office.
You are asked why you can't pay, but if you explain why you are honestly involved in your life, it seems that they often respond.I think some people are temporarily difficult to do in the corona.The number of divisions is basically two times, but depending on the content of the consultation, it may increase the number of times.It is a more useful countermeasure than leaving it without paying, so we recommend early consultation.
Payment of automobile tax is once a year, but the payment amount is large and the deadline is short.It is best not to forget to pay, but it is important to respond appropriately if you are late or not.
(Sentence: Wataru Sasaki)
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■ If you do not pay the vehicle tax, you will not be able to receive vehicle inspections, and delinquent funds are generated.Category
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