Vuzix Corporation (Tokyo Branch, Tokyo Branch, Tokyo Branch, Director: Keiichiro Fujii), which provides smart glasses and AR (expansion reality) technology based in the United States, based in the United States.M400 and M4000 smart glasses Android 9.0 (Android Pie / API 28) We will announce that it has been upgraded to the operating system.
M4000 is Android9.It is shipped with 0 installed.
M400 Smart Glass is Android 8 via Internet connection.From 1 to Android 9.You can now upgrade to 0.
All M400 and M4000s to be shipped in the future are Android 9.0 will be shipped with the factory installed.
Android 9.0 provides a series of improved functions for corporate customers, such as strengthening WiFi and Bluetooth connections, strengthening security, improving foreign language support, improving video recording speed, and providing a series of improved functions for corporate customers.I will improve.
VUZIX M400 and M4000 equipped with a 4K 30 -frame/second video camera equipped with a phase detection autofocus can save a 1080p video quality up to 60 frames/seconds directly to a 64GB built -in memory of the device.rice field.With the HD video recording options up to 60 frames per second, corporate customers can record and play videos with slow motion.This is a function that is becoming more popular with healthcare and medical sector, a smart glass user.
Android 9 to support the corporate developer community.In 0, developers can use API28 such as improved graphics, animation, layout functions, and neural networks.Android 9.In 0, APK signature using key rotation is also possible.This allows developers to sign the app with a new certificate by linking the past signature certificate of the app to a new certificate.
With the increase in the global recognition of VUZIX, foreign language support is essential for corporate customers to satisfy.Android 9.With 0, VUZIX M400 and M4000 smart glasses can support foreign languages such as Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, and German.
Specifically, for the optical see -through wavy guide -based VUZIX M4000 Smart Glass, Android 9.0 is optimized for the optical see -through display, provided a reinforced visual theme, and provides a function to record and broadcast photos and videos without a preview on the screen.This feature allows the work environment to be completely blocked, and at the same time provides tight camera framing for the best streaming perspective.
The following will be commented by Paul Travers, the president and the highest executive officer.
"VUZIX M400 and M4000 Smart Glass Corporate Customers Android 9.By introducing 0, users can enjoy the best experiences as possible.The Vuzix M400 and M4000 are the indispensable part of the VUZIX M series long -term provision programs, and promises to provide continuous support so that corporate customers can surely receive upgrade paths to Android 10 after next year.increase."
About Vuzix Corporation
VUZIX is a major supplier of video eyewear and smart glass products in the consumer, commercial and entertainment market.
The company's products include personal display devices that provide users with portable and high -quality visual experiences, and wearable computing devices that provide solutions for virtual reality and expansion reality.
VUZIX has 179 patents and patent applications and many intellectual property in the field of video eyewear.
The company has won a variety of wireless technology -related awards for the Innovation Awards, a consumer electronics show, from 2005 to 2020.
Vuzix, founded in 1997, is a company listed in the NASDAQ market in the United States (NASDAQ: VUZI) and is based in Rochester (New York), Oxford (UK) and Tokyo (Japan).
Product names and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
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