Kimio Maki, who has been in charge of the digital camera and smartphone business, has been appointed as the president and CEO.In recent years, the baton has been taken over from Shigeki Ishizuka and Ichiro Takagi, a face of Sony's electronics business, and officers in their mid -50s, mainly President Maki and CEO, have been running management.
As a result, the new system of the Sony Group is a peak of Sony, which is responsible for the Erettronics business, as well as a business company in major businesses such as games and network services, music, movies, finance, and devices.From the long -term perspective, the Sony Group will increase the value of the entire group as a whole, and invest in business portfolio management, the creation of capital allocation, group synergy and business incubation, and invest in human resources and technology, which is the foundation of innovation.。
Kenichiro Yoshida, Chairman and President and CEO of the Sony Group, is positioned as "a group management measure to promote the evolution of each business and strengthen the diversity of portfolios."
Since the Elekronics business inherited the history of Sony, which has a history, it seems that the signboard called "Electric Sony" seems to have been emphasized again, but the actual situation is very different.Rather, the Sony Group's management clarifies a break from Sony, which focused on the electronics business.
Sony states that sales are 8.8 trillion yen, operating income of 940 billion yen, and 1.85 trillion yen for operating income for the full -year business outlook for FY2020.They are aiming to achieve the highest profit in the past, and in the final profit, they are king to exceed 1 trillion yen in the electronics industry.It shows the company's strong management constitution, which continues to grow powerfully even in Corona's severe Corona.
Moreover, it is worth noting that the year of launching a new console has been included in this much profit.PlayStation businesses have been doing business on long -term cycles that are earned by software, rather than earning hardware.When I was developing a semiconductor for PlayStation myself, it took four years to make a profit.
ソニーグループ 取締役代表執行役副社長兼CFOの十時裕樹氏も、「PS5単体では逆ザヤ。ハードウェアの戦略的価格設定による損失計上はあった」とコメントしているが、「ネットワークサービスの増加によって、ゲーム事業の収益構造は大きく変化している。実際、ハードウェアの世代交代期である2020年度に過去最高水準の利益を見込むことができている」と発言。ゲーム&ネットワークサービス事業の体質を大きく強化していることを示してみせる。
The only concern is the film business, but new profits are secured by the acquisition of "Crunchillor", which provides anime specialty distribution services, and "AWAL", which provides indie music production and distribution platform businesses.I'm challenging.
And these businesses are based on the recitaling business that was not in the former electronics business.That is a factor that supports long -term good performance.
The pillars of growth in a new system by the Sony Group have a specific gravity other than the Eretchronics business.It would be better to think that the reorganization of the system was redefined as an electronics business in a side -by -side business.
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Sony that kings the first final profit of the electronics industry to exceed 1 trillion yen Game business that drives Sony's strong performanceCategory
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