On January 31, 2022, Rock Garage has conducted a training-style life rescue demonstration test using the drone x AI x smart glass search support system "3rd-Eye" in joint with the Ibaraki West Wide Area Fire Headquarters.It was announced.
The demonstration was conducted in response to the adoption of the Ibaraki DX Innovation Promotion Project Project, and conducted a evaluation test for the performance and pursuit of convenience for practical use of the system.
Currently, firefighting organizations nationwide are seeking to use drones to understand search activities, grasp the damage status, and use drones for rescue activities.However, it is not enough to utilize and transmit collected information by drones, and the latest digital technology is not used effectively on site.Against this background, the company has developed a search activity support system, 3rd-Eye, which allows efficient information sharing by automating a series of information processing.
In the system, the AI analyzes the video taken with the drone to identify the location of the search (human), and the location information is displayed in the smart glass.As a result, the members wearing a smart glass intuitively grasp where the search target is in the scenery he is looking at.
【運用の流れ】①・② パイロットがドローンを飛行させる(手動または自動)、③ 指揮本部が映像、捜索結果、隊員位置を確認して指揮する、④ 捜索部隊が指示をもとに捜索・救助を行うAll information is consolidated on the tablet device installed at the command headquarters, implementing a drone real -time video and human shadow detection result map, a double check function of the person's detection result, and a display function of the current position and movement trajectory of members.is doing.In addition, the pin -hit function that instructs the rescue smart glass to accurately induces rescue operators to the destination.
The map is displayed in real time, so you can always grasp the actions of another squad.In addition, you can search efficiently because you know where you searched once.
指揮本部用タブレット画面(左)、隊員の位置・移動軌跡(右)In the demonstration test, the practical version "3rd-Eye" is used by incorporating it into the firefighting search operation training.By optimizing specifications and functions in multiple hearings and demonstration experiments to the firefighting tissue, it was confirmed that search activities can be performed efficiently while maintaining the conventional command system.
The tablet device at the command headquarters was consolidated rescuers and other information, and in the training, specific instructions were given, such as "Go forward 20 meters".
In the future, the company will promote the spread of 3rd-EYE and make improvements so that firefighting organizations can be performed more conveniently.
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