To prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is natural to take measures such as washing your hands frequently and keeping a distance of about 2 meters when eating out. However, there are surprisingly few instructions on what to do with the ring you are wearing when washing your hands or using hand sanitizer.
Actually, the compatibility between rings and hand soap is bad, and the relationship worsens when it comes to disinfecting gels with a lot of alcohol. Because strong detergents will dull and cloud the gems!
In addition, depending on the type of stone, hand soap and disinfectant gel may damage it. First of all, it is absolutely NG to use cleaning agents on natural stones such as coral and pearls. Also avoid sanitizers on natural stones such as opal and turquoise, as "the alcohol component in sanitizers can dry out the gemstone and cause surface cracks and damage."
Antique jewelry needs extra care. "Water can get into the fingernails of the ring and change the look of the jewelry. Also, don't use water to wash pictures of rings, such as locket rings or glass-encrusted types." A warning bell that also requires attention.
However, if you don't want to damage your ring, no matter what the gemstone, "it's best to remove the ring before washing your hands," says Elizabeth. And one more thing, when you're soaking your ring in the sink, make sure the drain is closed. Be careful not to forget to close it and ruin your ring!
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