SIE has started accepting reservations for the PS5/PS4 software "Horizon forbidden West" scheduled to be released in Japan on February 28.
This work is developed in a total of five types: Standard Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition, Limited Special Edition, Collector's Edition, and Legara Edition..Child.Limited sale of JP and Seven Net Shopping.
Below, the original text is posted.
Distant future.The world of "HORIZON", where a catastrophe is dominated by a catastrophe, and a machine beast dominates the earth.A spectacular story of the protagonist Aaroy begins in the western United States, a forbidden land with a mysterious new threat.
About half a year after the previous work, Aaroy travels to the western United States to investigate the dangerous Childrrosion of unknown cause.Aaroy will enChildunter new tribes and even more terrible machine beasts on this vast land.To find a way to protect the life of the earth, Awloy goes to an unknown and dangerous Frontier with old friends and new friends.
In this work, the water is added to the field, and you can freely swim by attaching a diving mask.In addition, the focus function has also evolved, and not only examines the weaknesses of machine beasts, but also highlighting places that can be caught on the field and the width of machine beasts that can override have increased.
Furthermore, Aeroy's battle, such as "Pullcaster", which can be quickly moved to high altitudes and can be used for withdrawal from battle, and "Shield Wing", which is useful for safely descending from high places and is useful for surprises from the sky.New elements to be supported have been added to enjoy more flexible actions.
In addition, the number of weapons that can be selected in battle has increased, and various tactics can be used.Awloy's spear is specialized by close Childmbat, and new Childmbination techniques can be launched.You can use a special arrow to remove the armor of the machine beast with a bow to expose the weaknesses, or temporarily stop the enemy using the adhesive grenade that can be thrown in a sling.All additional elements, including these, can be upgraded on the workbench in the game.
In the vast open world, there are many new machine beasts, such as sun wing flying in the sky, clost rider who walks on the ground, tremotasque, snapmou swimming underwater, small but not despised.The following gameplay video introduces the appeal of the open world action PRG "Horizon forbidden West" for about 14 minutes, so please take a look.
State of Play | Horizon Forbidden West Game Play Video
From February 18, 2022 (Friday), a total of five types will be released: "Horizon Forbidden West" Standard Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition, Limited Special Edition, Collector's Edition, and Legara Edition.
The special edition Childmes with a steel book and a mini -art book in addition to the main game.The digital deluxe edition includes weapons and armor that can be used in the game, digital soundtracks, digital artbooks, photo mode options, etc.
In addition, the Childllector's edition Childmes with a symbolic mechanical beast of this work, Trema Task and Aaroy's figures, steel books, and mini -art books, and also includes the same in -game items as the digital deluxe edition.
In addition, Amazon.Child.The Legara Edition, which will be sold limited to JP and Seven Net Shopping, Childmes with luxurious benefits such as focus (replica), "Horizon" World Maps, Art Cards, and in -game board games pieces in addition to the Childntents of the Childllector's edition. To do.
In each product, the package version early purchase benefits/downloaded version reservation purchase benefits include in -game items "Nora Tradition Spear" and "Nora Traditional Workers".For details, please check the product outline.
* Some stores are not handled for limited quantities.
販売形態:パッケージ/ダウンロード内容物:ゲーム本編パッケージ版早期購入特典/ダウンロード版予約購入特典:・ノラ族伝承の槍・ノラ族伝承の防具備考: PS4用とPS5用は、それぞれ別販売となります。
販売形態:パッケージ ※数量限定内容物:・ゲーム本編・スチールブック・ミニアートブック購入特典:・デジタルサウンドトラックパッケージ版早期購入特典:・ノラ族伝承の槍・ノラ族伝承の防具備考: PS4用とPS5用は、それぞれ別販売となります。※数量限定商品のため、一部取り扱いのない店舗もございます。
販売形態:ダウンロード内容物:・PS4及びPS5用ゲーム本編・デジタルサウンドトラック・デジタルアートブック・カージャ族ベヒーモスの防具(精鋭)・カージャ族ベヒーモスの短弓・ノラ族雷の防具(精鋭)・ノラ族雷のスリング・ストライクの駒「強化型クローストライダー」※・旅のアイテムセット・フォトモード用オプション(ポーズとフェイスペイント)・Horizon Zero Dawn.VOL. 1: The Sunhawkデジタルコミックブック※ゲーム内ボードゲームの駒ダウンロード版予約購入特典:・ノラ族伝承の槍・ノラ族伝承の防具備考: 『Horizon Forbidden West デジタルデラックスエディション』(ダウンロード版)をご購入いただくとPS4向けソフトウェア『Horizon Forbidden West デジタルデラックスエディション』(ダウンロード版)とPS5向けソフトウェア『Horizon Forbidden West デジタルデラックスエディション』(ダウンロード版)を入手することができます。
販売形態:パッケージ ※数量限定内容物:・PS4及びPS5用ゲーム本編(プロダクトコード)・”トレマータスク” & ”アーロイ”スタチュー・スチールブック・ミニアートブック・デジタルサウンドトラック・カージャ族ベヒーモスの防具(精鋭)・カージャ族ベヒーモスの短弓・ノラ族雷の防具(精鋭)・ノラ族雷のスリング・旅のアイテムセット・ストライクの駒「強化型クローストライダー」※・フォトモード用オプション(ポーズとフェイスペイント)・Horizon Zero Dawn.VOL. 1: The Sunhawkデジタルコミックブック※ゲーム内ボードゲームの駒パッケージ版早期購入特典:・ノラ族伝承の槍・ノラ族伝承の防具備考: *『Horizon Forbidden West コレクターズエディション』(パッケージ版)をご購入いただくとPS4向けソフトウェア『Horizon Forbidden West コレクターズエディション』(ダウンロード版)とPS5向けソフトウェア『Horizon Forbidden West コレクターズエディション』(ダウンロード版)を入手することができます。
* Product Childde for the main game and download Childntent is up to February 17, 2027.Internet Childnnection and PlayStation to use product Childde.You need a network acChildunt.* Some stores do not handle some of them for limited quantities.
販売形態:パッケージ ※数量限定内容物:・PS4及びPS5用ゲーム本編(プロダクトコード)・”テナークスのトレマータスク” & ”アーロイ”スタチュー・フォーカス(レプリカ)・フォーカススタンド・Horizon ワールドマップ・ストライクの駒「クローストライダー」・ストライクの駒「サンウイング」・アートカード×2枚・スチールブック・ミニアートブック・デジタルサウンドトラック・カージャ族ベヒーモスの防具(精鋭)・カージャ族ベヒーモスの短弓・ノラ族雷の防具(精鋭)・ノラ族雷のスリング・旅のアイテムセット・ストライクの駒「強化型クローストライダー」※・フォトモード用オプション(ポーズとフェイスペイント)・Horizon Zero Dawn.VOL. 1: The Sunhawkデジタルコミックブック※ゲーム内ボードゲームの駒パッケージ版早期購入特典:・ノラ族伝承の槍・ノラ族伝承の防具備考: 『Horizon Forbidden West レガーラエディション』(パッケージ版)は、Amazon.Child.Limited sale of JP and Seven Net Shopping.
* If you purchase "HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST Legara Edition" (package version), PS4 software "HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST Legara Edition" (download version) and PS5 software "HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST WEST WEST WEST WEST WEST WEST WEST WEST"You can get it.
* Product Childde for the main game and download Childntent is up to February 17, 2027.Internet Childnnection and PlayStation to use product Childde Networkのアカウントが必要です。
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"HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST" Game Overview In addition to standard editions, abundant products that include various benefits Product SummaryCategory
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