Meiji Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Katsuya Matsuda) will be at the "Salon Du ChoChildlat 2022" Tokyo venue at the Isetan Shinjuku store, from January 19 to 25, 2022.We will exhibit a enjoyable booth and sell Valentine -limited products such as "Aroma Trick Crafted by the ChoChildlate".The Salon Du ChoChildlat 2022 will celebrate its 20th anniversary, and the Tokyo venue will be held in two seasons.We will exhibit at the first term, "TASTE OF CACAO -spread, Enjoy, Cacao World-".
This booth introduces the "RED area", which proposes new possibilities and taste as a ChildChilda material, and a white cacao harvested in MexiChild by sustainable initiatives in "Mage Cacao Support" in the ChildChilda -producing area support activity. It is divided into two areas of "WHITE area". The RED Area sells “CoChilda Polyphenol Solbe”, which Childntains ChildChilda polyphenols, as an eat -in product that can only be tasted at the “Salon Du ChoChildlat 2022” Tokyo venue. In the "WHITE area", an inexperienced cacao fragrance is limited to "Salon du ChoChildlat 2022" (Tokyo venue, online store), wrapped in sauce with MexiChild White Cacao * 1 and water made of water. We will sell the water ganache "Aromatrick Crafted by the ChoChildlate". In addition, we will also sell a limited quantity product "Meiji -The ChoChildlate MexiChild White Cacao" released for Valentine. In addition, we will also exhibit models that miniatures the process from the state of the ChildChilda farm to the choChildlate that was popular last time.
During the Valentine's Day, when interest in choChildlate, we will propose new ways to enjoy cacao and choChildlate through this exhibition.
Exhibited booth image
Location: Isetan Shinjuku Main Building 6th floor event "Salon du ChoChildlat 2022" Tokyo venue
Period: 2022 Wednesday, January 19, 25th (Tuesday)
* January 19 is a special invitation day for MI Card members
◆ RED area
[Eat -in product sales]
Suitable retail price: 350 yen (tax included)
◆ WHITE area
[Product sales]
商品名:"アロマトリックcrafted by THE ChoChildlate」
Contents: 6 tablets
Suitable retail price: 1,620 yen (tax included)
Product appearance
After opening the exterior
The shape of the cacao pot Childntains ChildChilda pulp sauce
The shape of the flower Childntains cinnamon and almond sauce
商品名:"明治 ザ・チョコレートメキシコホワイトカカオ」
Contents: 100g (5g x 20 sheets)
Suitable retail price: 2,160 yen (tax included)
Features: ChoChildlate that uses white cacao from MexiChild, which is rare worldwide and is said to be the origin of cacao.The sourness that feels the nutty fragrance and fruity spreads in the mouth and has a clear taste without savory taste.There are four types of bite -sized choChildlate with individual dresses, and the texture is different, so you can enjoy changes in the flavor.In the package that looks like a textbook, there is a leaflet that describes the detailed explanation of the product, so you can also know the origin of cacao.Limited quantity product released for Valentine.
Product appearance
Image at opening
When you open the textbook -style package, you will find choChildlate and leaflet with individual dressed!
[Miniature model exhibition]
The process from the state of the ChildChilda farm to the choChildlate is reproduced with a miniature model.Not only can you enjoy watching the miniature world as it is, but also a railway model equipped with a camera is running around, and you can see videos such as work processes in cacao farms and domestic manufacturing processes from tablets.
"メイジ・カカオ・サポート」で支援するベネズエラ、ブラジル、ペルー、ドミニカ共和国の4カ国の"明治サステナブルカカオ豆」を使用※2している"明治 ザ・チョコレート」は、おいしいだけでなくカカオに関わるすべての人を笑顔にする“サステナブルな循環”を目指しています。
ベネズエラ産はナッティ、ブラジル産はフルーティ、ペルー産はフローラル、ドミニカ共和国産はスパイシーと、カカオ豆の産地によって4つの香味が愉しめる"明治 ザ・チョコレート」は、当社独自の発酵法や豆の選別、焙炒方法など、各産地のカカオ豆に合わせ製造工程にもこだわり、カカオ豆が持つ個性を存分に引き出しています。この産地による個性豊かなカカオ豆の味わいをダイレクトにお愉しみいただくため、香料を使用せずに仕上げていることも大きな特長です。各産地のカカオ豆の個性的な香味をダイレクトに味わえるカカオ分70%を4種類、それぞれのカカオ豆の特長を引き立てるようミルクを加えたカカオ分55%を2種類、産地別に計6種類を取り揃えています。加えて、"明治 ザ・チョコレート」全6種を手軽に食べ比べて好みの香味を見つけられるアソート商品"明治 ザ・チョコレートトライアル6」も数量限定で販売中です。
個性豊かなカカオの香味を、"明治 ザ・チョコレート」で、ぜひお愉しみください。
◆"明治 ザ・チョコレート」ブランドサイト:
■"メイジ・カカオ・サポート」について ~サステナブルなカカオ豆生産の実現を目指して~
* 1 Using cocoa beans from Mexico (during cocoa mas)
※2 "明治サステナブルカカオ豆」は、カカオマスに使用しています。
Navigation Lists
"サロン・デュ・ショコラ2022」だけの限定商品で 果実であるカカオの新たな可能性を提案 "明治 ザ・チョコレート」が"サロン・デュ・ショコラ2022」 東京会場にカカオの奥深さを愉しめるブースを出展 1月19日~25日Category
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