Release issuance company: Iruma City
Aiming for a safe and comfortable city hall, Iruma City has launched full -scale operation of the dialogue support speaker "Commune" with the aim of a safe and comfortable window for visitors in April 3rd year. In order to reduce the risk of colonavirus infections, each window in the government building is wearing a mask in addition to installing a droplet prevention board, so it is difficult to hear dialogue at the counter. Especially for the elderly and those who tend to have a tendency for hearing loss, I have begun to hear that the city hall is difficult to use psychologically, such as being difficult to hear on the mask and speaking loudly. 。 The dialogue support speaker "Commune" improves the way of hearing and keeps conversation secrets without increasing the volume by modifying the frequency. In the test operation for about one month in advance, the user received a lot of evaluations such as smoothly communicating, no loud noise, and easy to hear. In addition, the corresponding city officials had the advantage that the response time at the counter was shorter due to reduced hearing due to the sound of the printing press inside the window and the calling sound of the telephone inside the window. We will aim for a window that can be used safely and comfortably at the Citizens Division, the Health and Medical Division for the Disabled, the National Health Insurance Medical Division, and the Long -term Care Insurance Division, which have many visitors. This initiative utilizes the basic philosophy of the mayor's promise, "Protect the lives of citizens! 。 Dialogue support speaker "Commune" Iruma-shi City government building infectious disease countermeasures project Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES
情報提供元:PRTIMES本リリースの掲載元:* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.
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