Dai Yasuda Circus Leader
「最初はお腹の下がぼやっと痛い感じ。だんだんと『お腹が痛い』から『睾丸が痛い』に変わっていったんです」【映像】Dai Yasuda Circus Leaderも経験…「精巣捻転」が起きるメカニズム(画像あり) 2009年、お笑いトリオ・安田大サーカスの団長安田さんを襲った「精巣捻転」という病気。団長安田さんは、当時の状況について「最初は我慢できる痛みでしたが、徐々に失神するレベルになって。当日中に緊急手術を受けて治療しました」と話す。
Dai Yasuda Circus Leaderも経験した「精巣捻転」
“I am now my wife, but at the time we were living together before we got married. However, I ended up going to the hospital saying, ``Actually, my testicles hurt.'' (hereafter referred to as Leader Yasuda). Mr. Miss. She was once turned down by the hospital saying she couldn't handle it at home, but then found another big hospital that could handle her, where she underwent surgery. “Men may have experienced it, but when the ball hits the testicle, the actual peak of pain is when it hits. At that time, it didn't go away and the pain went beyond being hit by a ball.When I went to the hospital, it had been more than 6 hours since the onset." , There is a possibility that it is rotten. If it is rotten, it is basically excised. Mr. Yasuda, the leader of the group, said that after agreeing to have the mutilation performed, he called the manager and explained the circumstances. After the operation, when Mr. Yasuda woke up in the hospital room, the doctor explained, "The torsion returned at the time of the excision." "This was another miracle. When the bag was opened and I was about to resect it, the twisted part came back. So, I fixed the surgery so that it wouldn't be twisted and closed it." Mr. Yasuda, the group leader, felt pain in his testicles several times a year. “(The doctor) told me that my testicles were thin to begin with. However, I was told that even if I had to remove one testicle, I would still be able to have a child as long as I had one left. But even I, the testicular torsion, was an unbearable pain.”
次ページは:■ 医師「恥ずかしがらず、早めの受診を」 発症から約6時間~12時間が“ゴールデンタイム”最終更新:ABEMA TIMESCategory
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