It's almost over 2020. The living environment has changed dramatically due to the swirling COVID-19 this spring, and all the whole country spent the time. Many people may have been forced to go out and have a comfortable day to spend their home environments. This is the second time that Foo TOKYO has reached the Christmas season, but this is the first time that a new holiday collection is announced. We have been operating to provide "high -quality house time" since its founding, but we believe that "how to spend home time" and "healing time" will be different. Therefore, in this holiday collection, three brands with different categories (John Master Organic, Minokamo Tea, SGHR Sugahara) are planning to choose items that match the way you spend your "relaxing time". I made an original gift item that collaborated with.
FOOO TOKYO has four new works, such as Silk Gown and Cardigan, proposing a "relaxing home gift".In addition, the limited -time shop has a concept that allows you to enjoy gifts and offers different gift items for each of three stores.Please come to find "relaxing time".
Only those who have purchased a pile blanket at a limited time shop can choose from two colors, "Black" and "White", which can be used for shopping bags.Each store has different items, so please choose a perfect gift item.・ Ginza Mitsukoshi
開催期間・営業時間:12月9日(水)〜12月25日(金) 10:00-20:00開催場所:3F プロモーション住所・電話番号:東京都中央区銀座4-6-16(03-3562-1111)参加ブランド:Foo Tokyo(ルームウェア・雑貨)/ジョンマスターオーガニック(ヘアケア・ボディケア)/美濃加茂茶舗(お茶)/ Sghr スガハラ(硝子)テーマは「Relax Home Gift Collection」。コラボレーションした3ブランドのオリジナルギフトアイテムをお買い求めいただけます。また、オリジナル特典として、ご購入者様限定でジョンマスターオーガニックのアイテムを無料でプレゼントします。※数に限りがございます。ご購入金額1万円以上(税抜):T&E ハンドリフレッシュナー(ティーツリー&ユーカリ) 50mLご購入金額3万円以上(税抜) :イブニングPシャンプー N 236mL・松屋銀座
Holding period / Business hours: December 9 (Wed)-December 25 (Fri) 10: 00-20: 00 * Open until 19:30 on the 13th, 19th, 24th, and 25thOpen until 20:30: 6F Lingerie Floor Promotion Space Address / Phone number: 〒104-0083 Matsuya Ginza 6th floor Lunge promotion space (03-3567-1211) Participating brand: FOO TOKYO / Scentee Machina(Scent) / Kitchibe (scent) / SGHR Sugahara (glass) theme is "Scent Gift Collection".We selected the "scent" that heals the body and body.We are waiting for you with fragrance items that enhance the feeling of accent to the house time.・ Shinjuku Takashimaya
Holding period / Business hours: Wednesday, December 9th-December 22nd (Wednesday) 10: 00-20: 00 Vote-2 (03-5361-1995) Participating brands: FOO TOKYO / SGHR Sugahara (Glass) Shinjuku Takashimaya, which is the theme of "Featured Gift Collection", is a Foo TOKYO relaxed home item and a collaboration brand.We will pick up the items you want to recommend from the gift collections.
定番のルームウェアアイテムと合わせても可愛い、冬の季節にぴったりなアイテムを揃えました。期間限定ショップでは、定番アイテムのルームウェアやタオルギフトアイテムなどもご用意しています。販売場所:松屋銀座 個数限定発売シルクガウン(ピンクベージュ/エレガントネイビー )価格: ¥ 42,000(税抜)肌に吸い付くようなやわらかさと軽やかさが特徴のシルク生地で作られたガウンです。シルクパジャマで人気カラーのピンクベージュ、エレガントネイビーの2色を店舗限定アイテムとして個数限定販売します。Sales location: Ginza Mitsukoshi / Matsuya Ginza / Shinjuku Takashimaya / Foo TOKYO Online Store
Melangeinit Cardigan (Pink x Yellow / Gray x White / Red x Purple)
* The online store will be released from the beginning of December.
Price: ¥ 36,000 (excluding tax)
Many colors are mixed in the knitting fabric, expressing "colorless colors".The thread is mixed with wool, so it is fluffy.An item that can be used as a everyday wear that has a large button as one point.It is a cute and cheerful pink x yellow, a calm color scheme gray x white, and a stylish red x purple that can be worn with a sense of plain clothes.
Ginza Mitsukoshi / Matsuya Ginza / Shinjuku Takashimaya / FOO TOKYO Online Store Original Blanket (Rose Pink / Charcoal Gray / Navy Blue) Price: ¥ 20,000 (excluding tax)
It is a towel blanket of Fooo TOKYO original color that can be used all year round.The glossy surface has a shirring process that is carefully finished by many craftsmen, and has a smooth feel.The back side has been brushed so that it gives a little volume, and it is finished with a fluffy touch.There are three colors: rose pink that brings elegant elegance, navy blue that calms the heart, and charcoal gray in any interior.
Sales location: Ginza Mitsukoshi / Matsuya Ginza / Shinjuku Takashimaya / Foo TOKYO Online Storeニット ルームソックス (グレー×ブルー/レッド×ネイビー /ピンク×クリーム)価格: ¥4,000 (税抜)
Mixing different three colors of threads are mixed and woven into Fooo Tokyo original colors.The thread is mixed with wool, so it is fluffy.It is a three -color development: gray x blue centered on sedative blue that calms the heart, red x navy that raises the stylish feeling of the room, and an adult pink x cream that feels warm.
ジョンマスターオーガニックの定番アイテムの中でも人気商品のヘアケア、ボディケアアイテムと、Foo Tokyoのオーガニックコットンタオルやルームソックス、バスオイルなどがアソートされたスペシャルギフトアイテム。銀座三越限定販売【john masters organics × Foo Tokyo】スキンケアギフトセット価格: ¥10,500内容物:ジョンマスターオーガニック: ARオイル N(アルガン) 59mL/ B&Sモイスチャライジングフォーミングフェイスウォッシュ (ベルガモット&シーバックソーン)150mLFoo Tokyo:オーガニックコットン フェイスタオル銀座三越/Foo Tokyo オンラインストア販売【john masters organics × Foo Tokyo】トラベルケアギフトセット価格: ¥8,000内容物:ジョンマスターオーガニック:イブニングPシャンプー N 60mL/L&Aコンディショナー N(ラベンダー&アボカド) 60mL/R&Aヘアミルク N(ローズ&アプリコット) 30mL/G&Cリーブインコンディショニングミスト N (グリーンティー&カレンデュラ) 30mLFoo Tokyo:ニット ルームソックス /グレー×ブルー/ピンクxクリーム/レッド×ネイビーの3色からお選び頂けます。銀座三越/Foo Tokyo オンラインストア販売【john masters organics × Foo Tokyo】バスタイムギフトセット価格: ¥15,000内容物:ジョンマスターオーガニック: G&Gボディウォッシュ N(ゼラニウム&グレープフルーツ) 236mL/ G&Gボディミルク N(ゼラニウム&グレープフルーツ) 236mLFoo Tokyo:オーガニックコットン バスタオル/プレミアムナイトバスオイル 30mLFoo Tokyo オンラインストア限定販売【john masters organics × Foo Tokyo】オンラインストア限定 バスタイムギフトセット価格: ¥15,000内容物:ジョンマスターオーガニック:G&Gボディウォッシュ N(ゼラニウム&グレープフルーツ) 236mL/ B&Sモイスチャライジングフォーミングフェイスウォッシュ (ベルガモット&シーバックソーン)150mLFoo Tokyo:オーガニックコットン バスタオル/プレミアムナイトバスオイル 30mLFoo Tokyo オンラインストア限定販売【john masters organics × Foo Tokyo】オンラインストア限定 ホームケアギフトセット価格: ¥10,500内容物:ジョンマスターオーガニック:T&Eハンドリフレッシュナー(ティーツリー&ユーカリ) 236mL/ORハンドクリーム(オレンジ&ローズ) 54mL/リップカーム (オリジナルシトラス)Foo Tokyo:オーガニックコットン フェイスタオル タオルの優しい触感で素肌を包み、美濃加茂茶舗のほうじ茶の香りと味で安らぎを補う。体の内側と外側の両方をととのえる 「明日への回復時間」を贈るコラボレーションギフトです。ギフトアイテムの美濃加茂茶舗の「ほうじ茶」のパッケージのひとつは、焙煎された茶葉の色からインスピレーションを得た限定カラーをお作りました。お茶の美味しさを味わうとともに、お茶を淹れる時間の贅沢さを味わい、体のオン/オフを入れ替えるひとときをお楽しみ下さい。Ginza Mitsukoshi / Foo TOKYO Online Store Limited
【美濃加茂茶舗×Foo Tokyo】 リラックスティーギフト(バスオイル入り)セット価格: ¥15,000内容物:美濃加茂茶舗:ほうじ茶(内容量 24g /ティーバッグ 3g×8個入り )x 2Foo Tokyo:オーガニックコットン バスタオル/プレミアムナイトバスオイル 30mLGinza Mitsukoshi / Foo TOKYO Online Store Limited【美濃加茂茶舗×Foo Tokyo】 リラックスティーギフトセット価格: ¥6,000内容物:美濃加茂茶舗:ほうじ茶(内容量 24g /ティーバッグ 3g×8個入り )x1Foo Tokyo:オーガニックコットン ハンドタオル【ほうじ茶仕様】サイズ:幅12.0 x height 15.0 x thickness 5.5 (cm) Contents: 24g /tea bag 3g x 8 pieces Shelf expiration date: 10 months (before opening) * Use aluminum bags with chucks.You can seal it with confidence even after opening.
* Please note that the dried flower used in the gift is processed by processing natural flowers and produced by hand, so there are some individual differences in the shape and color.
「タオルキャンドル」はsghr スガハラのグラスボールとFoo Tokyoのオーガニックコットンタオルからインスピレーションを得て、共同制作した「想いを永遠に灯すタオルキャンドルギフト」です。グラスに入ったタオルをキャンドルに、ドライフラワーを炎の代わりに見立て、燃え尽きないキャンドルとして、「永遠の愛」を表現しました。Sghr スガハラのグラスボールは、飲み物を入れてグラスにもちょっとしたお料理に使う小鉢にもなり、日常に溶け込むアイテムです。記念日などのギフトとして贈られることも多く「“その日“を日常で思い出せるように」という想いが込められています。Foo Tokyoの純白のタオルにはブランドを象徴する鳥をモチーフにした刺繍を施しており、「白」と「鳥」には「新たなスタート」「羽ばたく」という意味を持ちます。縁起物としてギフトにも多く選ばれている、ブランドの定番アイテムです。[SGHR Sugahara × FOO TOKYO] Glass candy lugift set price: ¥ 5,000 (excluding tax) Contents: SGHR Sugahara: Alco: Glass Bowl (M) X1 Glass pattern: Vertical mall pattern foo TOOKYO: organic cotton hand towel X1SGHR Sugahara x FOO TOKYO] Glass Candle Pair Set Set Price: ¥ 10,000 (excluding tax) Contents: SGHR Sugahara: Alco: Glass Bowl (M) X2 Glass pattern: Vertical mall pattern / Pattern pattern Foo TOKYO: OrganicCotton Hand Towel X2 Sales Store: ・ Matsuya Ginza will be sold in advance from November 27 (Fri).・ Foo TOKYO Online Store: December 9 (Wednesday) Shinjuku Takashimaya / Ginza Mitsukoshi: December 9 (Wednesday) ・ SGHR Sugahara Shop 5 stores+EC (Aoyama store, Yodoyabashi store, Sendai store, Fukuoka store, Factory shop,online shop)
* Please note that the dried flower used in the gift is processed by processing natural flowers and produced by hand, so there are some individual differences in the shape and color.
・ John Master Organic HTTPS: // www.Johnmasters.JP/
A lifestyle cosmetic brand established by NY's top stylist John Master.
John Master Organic has been using organic ingredients that have been cultivated and harvested without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and has been promoting products that do not burden the environment while grateful to nature.The goal is "Perfectly Natural Beauty".It is the same idea of the brand that it looks most beautiful and the most comfortable.
Person in charge: John Master Organic uses organic ingredients that have been cultivated and harvested without any pesticides or chemical fertilizers to create products that are friendly to people and the earth.This collaboration gift is a combination that you can experience with Fooo Tokyo's organic cotton towel.Please experience "relaxing time".・ Minokamo Chapo HTTPS: // MCHAHO.COM/
A Japanese tea brand that works on the theme of "Please take a break on a daily basis."
We handle tea leaves from Higashi -Shirakawa Village, Gifu Prefecture, which are said to be the limit of Japanese tea cultivation, and vessels to incorporate Japanese tea into modern life.We regard Japanese tea as a "tool" for modern people to rest well, and propose Japanese tea as the next driving force.
Person in charge: I sympathized with the concept of the XMAS gifts that Fooo Tokyo thinks as a brand that proposes "Path for everyday life."I think everyone was a really difficult year this year.I would be grateful if you could take Japanese tea as a chance to rest your mind and body, not only at the end of the day, but also at the end of the year.
In this collaboration gifts, Japanese tea is a combination where towels and bath oil can support rest from the outside of the body.Why don't you give your loved one for a short break?
・ SGHR Sugahara https: // www.Sugara.COM/
All SGHR Sugahara glass is handmade.The craftsmen who are fascinated by the glass use their softness and shine to work from design to manufacturing.At the moment you get it, enjoy a warm glass that gently snuggles up to your life that makes you smile.Person in charge:
Foo Tokyo and SGHR.The material is completely different, but the feeling of pursuing comfort is the same.So I thought from when I met that something to resonance would be born.Glass wear that wraps the towel this time is one of SGHR's masterpieces that combine soft expression and glass.I think that it has become such a gift item that reaches the feelings and kindness of the gifts.
It is a lifestyle brand that designs home time and space from "now" to "come".We develop luxury room wear pajamas, towel gifts, night cosmetics, etc.
Because the absolute time to rest from the heart is decreasing, I want to improve it by improving its quality.Foo TOKYO was born with that feeling.
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