It would be okay to say that there is an irreversible change due to the new colon virus, one of the diversification of working style.A weekly salesman living in the company within walking distance of the company, a manager who is two -weekly a week, the entry to the company is about once a month, a full -remote marketer who moves to a rural area with a Corona and travels on a business trip as needed.PR Person, which has not yet met in face -to -face, has become a natural era.
At the end of the arrow that I was accustomed to the diversification of accelerating work styles, the emergency declaration was released, the morning trains were crowded again, and some companies were returning to work style, such as before the new Corona's epidemic.There is.Where should I work on team building to fight in a rapid change?In this article, we propose one cut.In this article, the word team building is treated as a "continuous organization creation" instead of a so -called "temporary thing when the new team is formed".
Regardless of the way of working, he focused on "motivation", which is a universal point in organizations."Motivation for the team? I don't want to raise it."I have never met anyone who answers.
The word motivation and motivation is familiar, but how can it be improved?The reality is that the know -how is not penetrating."Do you want to work without hesitation?" "Do you want to work with peace of mind so that you can work with peace of mind?It is possible, but from the motivation perspective, they are all counterproductive.
Let's go on a journey around a deep motivation that you do not know unexpectedly.
Regarding motivation, research has actually been conducted since the 20th century."Motivation 3" by US writer Daniel Pink.Easy -to -understand books such as "0" are also published.It was more than 10 years ago.
Wantedly, a business SNS provided by Wantedley, who is late, is designed based on motivation theory, with a great reference.Wantedly provided, "meeting people with sympathy and the company," and this "sympathy" is also a big key.I hope we can convey the know -how of the motivation that we have acquired in the creation of an organization while facing motivation.
To understand motivation, it is important to know that there are two types of motivation.It is an external motivation and an internal motivation.The former is motivated through external factors such as prize punishment.It would be nice to imagine "candy and whip".The latter is motivated from inside himself, and if you notice it, you will do it.That's it.
Many people work in the former.On the other hand, the latter has an impression that the image is somehow springs out but it is hard to grasp it."Motivation 3."0" motivation of external motivation 2.0, motivation of internal motivation 3.Define it as 0 and the OS related to motivation 2.0 to 3.He argues that it should be updated to 0.
Why do we have to update from external motivation to internal motivation?A prize punishment has been around for a long time, isn't it easy to understand?The simple answer to those questions is that "it was an era when external motivation could not fight."This is motivation 3.The content is preached in 0.Let's explain while quoting the book a little more.
"Why can't you fight with an external motivation?"This is a unique experiment to measure the ability to solve human problems, a candle problem.Participants are instructed in a situation shown in this figure to say, "Loose a fire in the air."
ロウソク問題By the way, this is the answer.
ロウソク実験の答えTwo groups participated in this experiment.One is a team with a reward that can get $ 5 if this problem can be solved, and the other is a team with no reward that can not get anything.What happened when these two teams participated?The team with a reward is 3 to the answer 3.The shocking result that it took more time with more than 5 minutes was born.
In fact, external motivation can narrow your field of view, solidify your thoughts, and have the opposite effect in jobs that need creative ideas such as solving problems.However, there will be many managers who have memories of accelerating motivation with candy and whip.Yes, it works "partially".It is clear that external motivation has a certain effect in relatively simple labor work.
外発的動機づけ(=モチベーション2.0)の限界However, it has been a long time since the rise of AI and the promotion of DX have been shouted, and the number of simple labor conducted by humans is decreasing.The work changes.The motivation must also change.This big trend is also irreversible.For Ame and whip promotion groups, there is another bee point in crying, which is a change in values for labor.During the period of high economic growth, it was common to make a salary, get a job, buy three kinds of sacred treasures, buy a home, travel abroad.
The current generation has a very different environment, making it easier to get material richness.And it's a lot to hear that it's becoming more emphasis on mental richness than material richness.The values that you actually seek about your job are contrasted between the young generation and the boss generation.
従来とは異なる価値観のミレニアル世代、Z世代の台頭The boss generation is the top salary, which is a symbol of foreign motivation, while the younger generation is the top of the internal motivation.
Already the young generation is motivated 3.It is a generation that emphasizes 0.The content of the work is 3.It changes to 0, and the values of the worker are 3.It is changing to 0.Interior motivation, motivation 3.We are in an era where we cannot escape from 0.By the way, the concept of internal motivation is not limited to business people, but is related to the essence.Therefore, it is a content that can be often touched in child -rearing books such as Montessori education, so for those who read such child -rearing books earlier, catharsis such as Aha experience may be obtained from reading this not have.
Let's approach the essence that creates it, regarding the internal motivation that has been sour and important.
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