Apple is known for its strict secrecy, especially Apple Park at its headquarters, which is mostly off-limits to non-employees. The French news channel TF1 was allowed to film in such a place, which can be said to be "one of the most secret places on earth", and we recorded the inside footage and interviewed the company's top executives for exclusive coverage. rice field.
Before the global spread of the new coronavirus, Apple's new product launch events were held at Apple Park. However, there was still a strict restriction that invited guests were only allowed inside the Steve Jobs Theater (a 1,000-seat basement auditorium at the top of the campus hill) and not in the main building.
TF1 has released new footage inside its Apple Park. Staff members are caught talking, and perhaps working, on Apple's next-generation hardware, software, and services.
However, as expected, the unreleased products are not shown in the video, and the office and room where they are likely to be placed are also blurred. Also, to hide the identity of the employees, only their backs or their faces are blurred.
TF1 said that during their stay at Apple Park, many doors were kept closed, and no matter where they were filmed, they later negotiated with Apple. It is said that ``secret culture can be felt at every moment,'' and you can imagine that they had a hard time checking it frequently.
TF1 also interviewed some of Apple's top executives. First of all, Mr. Greg Joswiak, senior vice president of marketing, talks about the relationship between the headquarters building and Steve Jobs, one of Apple's founders.
Joswiak said, "When Steve Jobs envisioned Apple Park, he wanted to create an office for the future." I was looking for a place, so I wanted to make it a place where I could walk."
Other TF1 articles include a statement from the company's vice president of health, Sumburu Desai, about health, one of Apple's top priorities. Mr. Desai is also deeply involved in Apple Watch's health-related features.
Desai said, "Our goal is to provide useful data for users and doctors. We want to improve the doctor-patient relationship, not replace it." That's it.
Furthermore, Desai said, ``What is very important is that users can choose what data they allow (for the device to collect) on a per-element basis, and Apple does not receive or see any of the user's data. … These data stay inside the device,” he added, emphasizing the principle of privacy protection regarding health data.
It seems surprising that Apple allowed filming inside its headquarters, albeit with quite a few restrictions. However, Apple has just announced that it will postpone the full-scale return of employees to the office until February next year due to the re-expansion of the new corona infection and the rapid spread of new mutant stocks. It may be that we allowed it as an exception because it was the timing when the number of staff at work was small.
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