Vuzix Corporation (Tokyo Branch, Tokyo Branch, Tokyo Branch, Tokyo Branch Director: Keiichiro Fujii), which provides smart glasses and AR (expansion reality) technology based in the United States, based in the United StatesThe National Police will announce that the police are actively using Vuzix Blade smart glasses to conduct a survey on the use of expansion reality.
The survey following the preliminary exam in the laboratory is conducted in collaboration with Leiden, Towente universities, and the national police academy.
VUZIX BLADE Smart Glasses provide additional information such as hand -free, crime notification, suspicion of tracking, and complicated places, as both police and police officers do not change their gaze in unfamiliar areas.It is used.
Using the site this summer, the first officer feedback was positive.
The following will be commented by Paul Travers, the president and the highest executive officer.
"VUZIX BLADE's overall design and transparent wave guide optical system have been proved to be essential functions that are essential for police and security operation. From police officers received so far.I am satisfied with the positive feedback of. I am looking forward to seeing the complete proof of the concept that has been successfully completed. "
About Vuzix Corporation
VUZIX is a major supplier of video eyewear and smart glass products in the consumer, commercial and entertainment market.
The company's products include personal display devices that provide users with portable and high -quality visual experiences, and wearable computing devices that provide solutions for virtual reality and expansion reality.
VUZIX has 166 patents and patent applications and many intellectual property in the field of video eyewear.
The company has won a variety of wireless technology -related awards for the Innovation Awards, a consumer electronics show, from 2005 to 2020.
Vuzix, founded in 1997, is a company listed in the NASDAQ market in the United States (NASDAQ: VUZI) and is based in Rochester (New York), Oxford (UK) and Tokyo (Japan).
Product names and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
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