NTT DOCOMO announced on July 15 online that the "docomo5GDXMeetUpforbusiness reporter presentation" was held online, and the 5G subscriber was 5 million and the 5G base station had reached 10,000, and 5G was full -fledged.He said that it has entered the social implementation and the spread period.At the event, we will introduce examples that have already been implemented with docomo 5G open partners as "the 5G era co -creation and docomo's new challenge", and launch a new smart glass "GoogleGlass" in August.It was announced.
Google「GlassEnterpriseEdition2」の取扱いを発表する株式会社NTTドコモ 代表取締役副社長丸山誠治氏Typical initiatives include "high -definition video", "remote control", and "new educational experience".In the past, preparing for equipment was time and cost to distribute it with high -definition images, but 5G transmission has realized an environment where high -definition images can be easily distributed, and it is also adopted in events, key stations, etc.It is said that it is done.The remote support has been restricted to travel and gather and train due to corona, and has helped to remotely support local workers.In the medical field, along with Kobe City, Kobe University, and Medicaloid, 5G is used for remote control of the world's most advanced surgical support robot.It is expected to improve local surgical care.As a new educational experience, we utilized a 360 -degree swipe video, and introduced 5G for physical education practical skills and examinations.
The DOCOMO 5G Open Partner Program has created about 300 collaborative factors nationwide.In addition, he announced that it will handle GoogleGlass as a new device that accelerates the "Creation of the 5G era and the new challenge of docomo".
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