There are many restaurants that have a reputation for alcohol and luxury dinner in urban areas.Membership bars will be typical.
These shops run around sales from dinner hours, but we may open lunchtime to increase sales.However, even if you open a shop during lunch time, the customer base will change, and the profits will not increase much.As a result, he had a task that made the most of the decorations and atmosphere purchased as much as possible.
"SPACIOUS", founded in New York in 2016, opened high -end restaurants and bars from morning till evening to provide co -working space for members.It is a notable real estate startup that has succeeded in raising a total of $ 9 million in May 2018.In this article, we will examine the goodness of the company's service, business models, and issues based on the insights that I have experienced Spacious services in San Francisco.
According to the article in The New York Times, Spacious has 25 tuna restaurants in New York and San Francisco as of July 2018.I visited a luxury bar called "PRESS CLUB".It is a shop that is located in the city center of San Francisco, and is located immediately from the main street.
You can enter the store by completing a simple check -in with the iPad at the entrance of the store.In the case of the author, it was the first $ 5 trial plan, but after the second time, I need to pay the monthly membership fee.The member plan starts at $ 99 per month for an annual contract.
If you go down the stairs from once and reach the underground open space, you can use a bar with about 300 seats.At the time of visiting the store, there were no 10 customers, and when combined with the two staff members on the SPACIOUS side, the exclusive rate was less than 5%.I arrived at the site around 10 am on weekdays.Unfortunately, the weather was unfortunate, so I was expected to have a hard time attracting customers, but I had the impression that the usage rate was very low.
On the other hand, a quiet atmosphere with few people is the best environment to work.I felt like I was experiencing the airport member lounge.There was just a telephone conference, but the connection of WiFi was very strong.For example, it is perfect for coffee meetings with executive because the number of people is small.
The "VOX" article introduces Spacious target customers as "digital creative in urban areas."Creators who work around coffee shops in cities with WiFi, focusing on remote work.I also visited this media article, so I felt it was perfect for using Spacious services.
I know some of the cafes that connect with WiFi in San Francisco, but I was impressed that Spacious had an overwhelming experience advantage, so I was so impressed that I couldn't go to other cafes anymore.Is honest.
Usually, you need to ask for a cafe for a cup of $ 6 to 8 dollars.If you go every day on weekdays, it costs at least $ 120 with a simple calculation.At Spacious, you can go to a luxury restaurant in the city with a simple beverage provision of coffee, tea and water at the same amount.If you choose an annual contract, it will be $ 99 for a 40 -hour usage limit.2 per hour.The $ 47 price range will be a competitive discrimination factor in the cafe.
Wework will be a typical company in the co -working space market where Spacious enters.The company is a business model that rents a large -scale space in the corner of the building and lends it to customers for each seat on a monthly basis.Because it is a model that sells the so -called inventory, it is accompanied by a large expense.
However, target customers are startups and small and medium -sized enterprises that only use relatively short periods of time.Since long -term use for several years, it has succeeded in acquiring customers even if the usage fee is set relatively high.These business models require a strategy to improve the return rate per square foot as much as possible.
SPACIOUS, on the other hand, does not have an initial investment because it is a network business that does not need to have a direct store.It is not publicly made, but it is assumed that it has a contract for a partner store and a minimum usage fee or a revenue distribution model.
For example, let's pay a contract for PRESS CLUB to $ 10,000 per month.Even if the member does not use much PRESS CLUS and the sales contribution rate per store is less than $ 10,000, the minimum contract is guaranteed and the Spacious side is paid.If you can make a contribution of $ 10,000 or more, you will be able to distribute the same amount equivalent and the remaining amount will be the profit of Spacious.
If it is a business model that guarantees the affiliated store and the minimum usage fee, the store will secure a certain profit.Even if it turns out that it is a store with a low sales contribution rate that customers do not gather, it is expected that the Spacious side will improve the quality and return rate of network.
Cutting of the contract is a last resort, and it is possible to use AI to calculate the expected sales from the location location very efficiently because it leads to a narrowing network size.
In this way, the Spacious model, unlike a model that reserves a large building like WEWORK, can calculate the sales ratio on a store -by -store, and a network store that has been found to be a cost source can also be risked hedges that can be separated at worst.。It will be considered a good model to expand your network rapidly.
However, the most important thing to remember is the initial customer experience.Current customers in San Francisco can be a good customer in the future.
If the store you go to from the network becomes popular, the experience you feel will be less likely to be used while relaxing in large space.With the expansion of the service, the expected value of the service experience will not be exceeded, and a phenomenon will occur in which excellent customers leave.
Losing customers who have empathized with services from the beginning of the launch can be a dilemma that is often seen in community businesses.Whether to maintain the initial excellent customers or to get a new customer to expand is a very large strategic decision -making force.
In this regard, at least in a few years, the timing will be significantly changed in the "quiet and calm high -quality co -working space".As the number of users increases, the sense of premiere will fade, and the quiet and luxurious atmosphere will be broken, but I felt that it was an inevitable road to expand the service.
Changing the value of the service experience means that the persona statue and the target customer change.When the initial users increase the number of customers, they cannot find the experience value they want in the service.But in terms of business, we have to increase the number of customers.You will be forced to make a difficult choice.
Perhaps if you build a store network with a small space from the beginning, not a large venue, you may not hurt your customer experience even if the number of customers per store increases.Even in Japan, it seems interesting to enclose a small bar closed in Shibuya and Shinjuku with a Spacious model.
By the way, this time, I had a very rich service experience, and at the same time I felt a business issue on customer community development.
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