Looking back over the past five years, the emoticons have evolved from niche to important in communication.The same is true for Apple.
Apple has proposed an icon that expresses new occupations and diversity, but this time in UNICODE Consortium, it will "express individuals with disabilities better" and become more comprehensive.He appealed that 13 new emoticons should be introduced to create the "first step".
According to the content of Emojipedia, Apple is a new conceit of the US visually impaired, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, and the Roula Association (NATIONAL ASSOCITION OFE DEAF).Say.
The emoji contains the following:
The emoticons of the person have been proposed to use multiple skin tone, and are different types of dogs for each assistance and service dog purpose.A total of 45 emoticons were proposed.
The UNICODE Technical Committee will gather in Sannose next month and discuss the emoticons submitted above and others.If approved, EMOJI 12, as early as the second half of 2019.These emoticons will appear when the release of 0 will appear.
Apple adds new emoticons to iOS every year.The types of these emoticons were acknowledged that UNICODE deserves graphics in food, animals, objects, and people.
Apple also added to the iPhone X last year by Animoji, an extended reality version of the animal emoticons.According to Emojipedia, his EMOJI 11 in 2018.The list of 0 will be finalized in February and will be viewed on devices in the second half of this year.
[Via VentureBeat] @Venturebeat [Original]
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