With a series of companies entering the virtual spatial meta spring, Bank of America predicted that Apple would launch a new AR headset by early 2023 and significantly increase stock prices.Apple is known for keeping silence on new products, but Bank of America predicts that the company will release a new headset for AR and VR (virtual reality) from the end of 2022 to early 2023.bottom."This new technology will be a game changer," said Bank of American analysts Analysts Wamsi Mohan in a note on December 14, and Apple's stock prices rise significantly.It is added that it should be.Bank of America has upgraded Apple stocks to "buying" and set target stocks to $ 210.Mohana pointed out that the launch of the headset will contribute to the sales of the headset in 2023, not to say that 5G connections are important for AR and VR apps, so that the launch of the headset will also contribute to the sales of the headset in 2023.Mohan states that Apple will increase the service revenue because the customer will spend money on the immersive apps corresponding to AR with the release of the headset.However, despite the fact that major companies such as Bank of America have recently given their favorable evaluation to Apple stocks, Apple's stock price has fallen again on the 14th, about 0..4%安となった。「アップルは通常、新しい機能や技術を競合に先駆けて導入することはせず、洗練された、ユーザーが購入したいと思うような製品を送り出すことに注力している」とモハンは述べた。アップルの株価は、2021年の市場をアウトパフォームしており、ベンチマークであるS&P500が24%の上昇だったのに対し、今年は34%の上昇を記録した。モルガン・スタンレーやJPモルガンなど、ウォール街の他の大手も最近、アップルの目標株価を引き上げている。アップルの時価総額は今週初めに3兆ドルの大台に乗りそうになったが、現在は約2.It is $ 8 trillion.
Sergei Klebnikov
最終更新:Forbes JAPANCategory
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