What was your encounter with your audio? The parent's component that was placed at home, the MD player and the iPod I bought with pocket money. Most of the people who answer smartphones now may be. Since the audio equipment was regarded as "what to listen to music", you came to "hobby" somewhere (90 % of the people reading this article are audio. I wrote it under the speculation that I would like it). It can be said that the hobby of audio, that is, using the playback equipment itself as a hobby, changes the way of interest in music. This is because you can enjoy music not only as simple content, but also in the vector of regenerative quality. For the first time, a person who touches high quality audio is that "I heard the sound that I couldn't hear." By being able to regenerate the original amount of information in the sound source of the song, there is a discovery that "this sound was sounding here!" I will be connected to. Conversely, it is highly likely that none of the music I heard before I noticed it had not reached the original sound. If you can compare it to the previous words, "I didn't hear the sound that should be heard." In fact, I am pulling out the old CD as a hobby, and listening to the old CD. On the other hand, it may be difficult to look back on music before you start collecting CDs, etc., or you may not be able to look back in the first place. Hit songs that were popular when I was in elementary school, and the soundtracks of games that I became engrossed in. In the end, they consider them as "culture for children", such as children's programs for children and animation songs, and there are few opportunities to face them as music. Content for children is not always a "child deception." Rather, it must be simple and attractive because it is delivered to pure innocent children. There is no way for an adult to think that a child is good. It is also inevitable that adults such as animation and special effects for girls, such as "PUI PUI Morker" are being evaluated by adults in recent years. The introduction has become longer, but what do I want to talk about this time? Anpanman]. Furthermore, it is the theme song "Anpanman's March". A masterpiece that has always colored the beginning in the history of Anpanman's anime for over 30 years. Everyone in the Japanese may have heard it once. This "Anpanman's March" is known to be "good sound". Although it is an old song announced in 1988, its excellent sound quality is sometimes talked about in the audio area. Just the other day, I was excited on SNS, and I wrote an article that listened to Anpanman March in a high -end environment.
工藤(ライター)というわけで、超高音質なアンパンマンを聴きたいんです。編集部相変わらずよくわからない企画を持ってきますね。工藤今回は、最新のコンピレーションである『それいけ!アンパンマン ベストヒット'21』のCD音源を用意しました。こちらの音源を使って、レコメンドのような形でお届けできればと思いまして。編集部なるほど、企画の趣旨は理解しました。再生機器は何をお使いになりますか?工藤そうですね、やはり僕はポータブルオーディオ専門なので、手持ちの中で一番ハイエンドなDAPやイヤホンを・・・。編集部せっかくだったら、その『ポータブルオーディオ専門』という枠を飛び越えてみませんか?工藤え?編集部最高の環境をセッティングいたします。ぜひお越しください。(ブツッ! ツー…ツー…)工藤なんなんだ。かくして、編集部にお邪魔することになった。一体何が待っているというのか?■後日 音元出版 試聴室編集部お待ちしておりました。工藤え?編集部今回はDACにアキュフェーズの『DP-750(132万円)』、プリアンプに『C-3900(209万円)』、パワーアンプに『M-6200(99万円×2)』を用意しました。スピーカーはBowers & Wilkinsの『803 D3(148.5万円×2)』を組み合わせています。(価格はいずれも発表時/税込のもの)工藤夢?編集部雄大なスケールとダイナミックな躍動感で、アンパンマンの楽曲が持つ魅力を余すことなく引き出してくれることでしょう。工藤やべ〜〜〜。総額にして800万円を超えるセットは、ことピュアオーディオの世界においては決して “最高額” の領域には無いものの、十分にハイエンドというべき構成だ。企画を提出した僕も僕だが、それを快諾した編集部も大概だ。完全に狂ってしまっている。僕は「引き返せないな」という覚悟を胸に、トランスポーターとして使用するMacBook Proを取り出した。工藤Category
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