Before the invention of semiconductors, many devices used vacuum tubes.At first it was used for communication and for amplification.The mechanism of the vacuum tube used for amplification is to heat the cathode (cathode) or the filament to pop out a thermoelectric electronic, and capture it with a plate.In the meantime, a grid that controls the electronic flow is placed to control the electrical signal.This is a triple tube consisting of three parts.The vacuum tube glows red because the heater is heated until it burns.
Five -poles and beam tubes were born from the triple tube, and as the evolved further, it continued to be smaller.Of course, it was also used for audio, and a configuration called a push -pull that uses a beam tube in a pair to get a large output for small output, and a pair of a beam tube.In recent years, a type called a complex pipe has appeared.This is a compilation of three -poles and five -pole tubes, which can make a stereo amplifier with two.The kit "KA-08SE" created this time also uses a composite pipe called "16A8".
The vacuum tube amplifier is said to be softer, warm, and smooth compared to transistor amplifiers, but the scientific basis is not clear.Make it with your hands and check with your ears.
川野氏が今まで作成した真空管アンプ。エレキット、トライオード、サンバレーなどの真空管アンプを多数作成してきた。お気に入りは300Bシングルのザ・キット屋のオリジナル製品「SV-S1616D」。真空管は大きいほど“らしい”音がするSince vacuum tubes were created around the world, there are many different model numbers even in the same standard.At present, the Czech Republic, Russia, and China are the main producers, but they were used in Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, and the manufacturers were various.There are many compatible products in the famous vacuum tubes, and the tone changes by replacing them into interesting things.It is "ball -ball" that pursues your favorite sound using this."16A8" has been created in multiple countries, including Japan, so you can enjoy the ball.
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