New power companies provide pricing plans and benefits that make use of the strengths of operating companies, and more and more people are switching to new electricity due to their knowledge.
Some people want to make electricity cheaper, but have too many types of companies to choose, so they can't take a step.
This time, we will introduce the characteristics and charms of 10 recommended electric power companies for people living in the Kansai area.In addition, we also introduce points and precautions when choosing a power company.
電力会社の変更を検討している人はぜひ参考にしてくださいね。エルピオでんき | HISでんき | auでんき | まちエネ | おうちでんき | Looopでんき | あしたでんき | リミックスでんき | |
基本料金(30A) | 0円 | 323.95円 | 341.00円 | 396.00円 | 341.02円 | 0円 | 0円※標準プラン | 341.01円 |
電気量料金/kWh | 23.33円 | 18.89円〜 | 20.30円〜 | 17.84円〜 | 20.11円〜 | 22.40円 | 22.00円※標準プラン | 17.01円〜 |
プラン数 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
対応エリア | 全国 | 全国 | 全国 | 全国 | 全国 | 全国 | 全国 | 全国 |
強み | 基本料金0円で使った分だけ | 基本料金・従量料金が最大5%OFF | Pontaポイント最大5%還元 | ローソンが作った新電力 | ソフトバンクユーザーがお得 | 基本料金0円で使った分だけ | シンプルな料金プラン | 基本料金・従量料金が最大5%OFF |
公式サイト | 公式サイト | 公式サイト | 公式サイト | 公式サイト | 公式サイト | 公式サイト | 公式サイト |
* The amount is tax included.* This is the price if you assume that you use the equivalent of the weighted light B.
Elpio Denki is about 7,875 yen * 1, 3746.It can be used at a low price of about 56 yen.
Since the basic fee is paid only for 0 yen, you can use it at a great price without waste.
基本料金0円プランありエルピオでんきお申し込みはこちら* 1 Except for the fuel cost adjustment amount, renewable energy power generation promoting advance, etc. are excluded.Calculation: 1kwh… 22.2 yen x 350 = 7,875 yen
We recommend that you keep your points when choosing a power company.
電力会社選びのポイントをおさえることで自分の電力の使い方にあったプランを選べますよ。HISでんきおすすめポイント・契約件数26万件突破(2020年10月時点)※1・お得さが続く新電力(小売電気事業者)No.1※2・顧客満足度93.4%※3・HISで最大3,000円割引が受けられる・電話での相談対応あり基本料金・従量料金5%OFFHISでんき公式サイトはこちらHIS Denki is a new electric power company of the HIS Group for peace of mind and trust.Operated by HTB Energy Co., Ltd.
基本料金・従量料金が最大5%OFFとなる「PRIMEプラン」や毎日2時間無料で電気を使える「ママトクプラン」など、ユニークかつ電気代を抑えられるプランが用意されています。We also provide free consultation over the phone, so it is also attractive that you can rely on it immediately if you are in trouble.There are benefits that can be used in HIS, so travel lovers will be able to enjoy more benefits.
HISでんきは、電気を使う人もあまり使わない人も無駄なく利用できるプランが魅力の新電力です。プラン名 | 従量電灯A PRIME 関西 |
基本料金(税込) | 323.95円 |
従量料金(税込) | 15kWh〜120kWh→19.29円121kWh〜300kWh→24.42円301kWh〜→27.27円 |
解約金(違約金) | なし |
* The above charges are calculated based on the unit price of Kansai Electric Power as of October 2021.* 1-3 referring to the official website
Source: HIS Denki official website
auでんきおすすめポイント・いつもどおり電気を使うだけで自動的にPontaポイントが還元(最大5%)・シンプルでわかりやすい料金プラン・auでんきアプリで検針表・料金のチェックが簡単Pontaポイントが最大5%還元auでんき公式サイトはこちらau Denki has expanded its service nationwide from February 1, 2022.It is a new electricity that can now be contracted in Kansai.
The major feature is that Ponta points are accumulated according to the electricity bill.Up to 5%points are returned.
毎月の電気料金/ポイント還元率5,000円未満/1%5,000円〜8,000円未満/3%8,000円以上/5%The only price plan for ordinary households is "Denki M Plan".Even those who switch to a power company for the first time can decide on a plan without any trouble.
auでんきアプリを使えば、スマホからいつでも電気料金の確認ができますよ。プラン名 | でんきMプラン |
基本料金(関西電力 従量電灯A相当/税込) | 341.00円 |
従量料金(税込) | 15kWh〜120kWh→20.30円121kWh〜300kWh→25.70円301kWh〜→28.69円 |
解約金(違約金) | なし |
Source: au Denki official website
フレームタイトル・ローソンユーザーにお得な料金プラン・ローソン店舗でも利用されている電力を供給・契約手数料/工事費/解約手数料は原則無料※1切替工事不要・初期費用0円まちエネ公式サイトはこちらThe town energy is a new electricity provided by a power company created by Lawson and Mitsubishi Corporation.It is also supplied to Lawson stores and can be used at home with confidence.
料金プランは、Pontaポイントが貯まるプランやEV/PHEVを持っている方向けのプランなどさまざま。ライフスタイルに合わせてプランを選べます。With the Kihon Plan, you can keep the electricity price down, of course, you can earn Ponta points and get a free coupon that can be used in Lawson.
ローソンユーザーの方には、よりお得さが実感できる新電力だと言えるでしょう。プラン名 | きほんプラン |
基本料金(税込) | 396.00円 |
従量料金(税込) | 15kWh〜120kWh→17.84円121kWh〜300kWh→20.24円301kWh〜→20.96円 |
解約金(違約金) | なし |
*: Contract capacity 6kva or more or less of less than 50kva (equivalent to Kansai Electric Power Acceducted Light B)
Source: Town energy official website
おすすめポイント・独立系電気供給実績1位※1・基本料金(最低料金)0円・解約金0円・オール電化の家庭は「スマートタイムプラン」がおすすめ基本料金0円Looopでんきお申し込みはこちらLooop Denki is operated by Looop Co., Ltd..1 * 1.
The "home plan" for ordinary households can be used for a basic fee (minimum fee) of 0 yen.Electricity rate is uniformly taxed in the Kansai Electric Power area 22.4 yen/kwh.It can be used for about 24,000 yen including tax in one year.
The "Smart Time Plan" is recommended for all -electric houses.Since the basic fee is 0 yen, it is a great deal that the basic fee is lost from the plan for all -electricity that has been contracted so far.
LOOOPでんき+というオプションサービスもあり、「ソーラー割」や「EV割」などをプラスすることでさらに電気量料金が割引されます。プラン名 | おうちプラン(関西電力エリア) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 0円 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | 一律税込22.4円/kWh |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 全国※一部地域除く |
Elpio Denki is operated by Elpio Co., Ltd., which has been handling LP gas for many years.By reducing the costs required for advertising expenses and sales, we have succeeded in providing inexpensive electricity.
For ordinary households in the Kansai area, "S -Plan as much as used" * 1 is recommended.The easy -to -understand price system is attractive and the basic fee is 0 yen * 2, the electricity usage fee is uniformly included 22.It is available for 2 yen/kwh.
Since the uniform fee is low, it is possible to reduce the price of 16,800 yen including tax per year as a guide.In addition, the cancellation fee is free.
とにかくシンプルで安い新電力を選びたいという人にはもってこいの電力会社でしょう。プラン名 | 使った分だけSプラン(関西電力エリア) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 無料※使用量が15kWH未満の場合最低月額料金税込330円 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | 一律税込22.24円/kWh |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 東北電力エリア・東京電力エリア・中部電力エリア・中国電力エリア・九州電力エリア・関西電力エリア・四国電力エリア※一部地域を除く |
* 1: equivalent to the Kansai Electric Power's "Weighing Light A" * 2: If the usage is less than 15 kWh, the minimum monthly fee is 330 yen * 3: Kansai Electric Power Support Light A 500A Use of 500A per month: Elpio Denki Official site
おすすめポイント・料金プランがシンプルにたった2つ・初期費用・解約金0円・電気量料金が一律基本料金0円あしたでんきお申し込みはこちらTomorrow is operated by Trende Co., Ltd.TRENDE Co., Ltd. has many businesses related to electricity such as solar and storage batteries and power platform development.
Tomorrow's price plan is very simple, with only two "standard plans" and "plenty of plan".
"Standard plan" is for families where the number of households is about 1 to 3 people and does not use much power.
Basic fee is 0 yen, electricity fee is uniformly included 2222.For 0 yen, the unit price will be lower than the Kansai Electric Power's Reordering A.
"Plenty of plans" is for a large number of families with a large amount of power.
The basic fee is 3,000 yen including tax, but the electricity price is uniform.The lower the amount of electricity used, the lower the amount of electricity used.
It is also a recommended point that the cancellation fee and initial cost are 0 yen.
どの料金プランを選ぶのか迷う必要がなく、どれくらいおトクなのか把握しやすいのがあしたでんきの大きな魅力でしょう。プラン名 | 標準プラン(関西電力エリア) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 0円 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | 一律税込22.0円 |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | Tokyo Electric Power Area, Tohoku Electric Power Area, Chubu Electric Power Area, Kansai Electric Power Area, Chugoku Electric Power Area, Kyushu Electric Power Area * Excluding some areas |
Source: Tomorrow Denki official website
おすすめポイント・「電気代割引プラン」で基本料金と従量料金が5%OFF※1・「仮想通貨付与プラン」で基本料金の5%仮想通貨※2がもらえる・「基本料金0円使い得プラン」基本料金0円仮想通貨付与プランありリミックスでんきお申し込みはこちらRemix Denki is operated by Remix Point Co., Ltd., which provides consulting for energy -saving subsidies.
There are two prices plans: the "Electric Department Plan" and the "virtual currency with a virtual currency".
The "Electric Institute of Division Plan" means that the basic fee (minimum fee) and the pay -in -weight light fee will be 5 % discount * 1.
Recommended for families with low power consumption of about 1-2 people.The "Virtual Currency Plan" is the same amount as a regional power company, and you will receive a 5 % virtual currency * 2 of the basic fee.
Recommended for those who want to increase their assets by operating cryptocurrencies rather than discounts on electricity bills.There is also a service called "Basic Fee 0 yen Use Plan" * 3.
The basic fee is 0 yen, and the amount of accord of the Kansai Electric Power area is uniformly including tax..30 yen/kwh.It is attractive that there is no change in the rate of pay.
電気使用量の多い大家族世帯に向いています。プラン名 | 電気代割引プラン(関西エリア) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 関西電力の料金×5%割引 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | 関西電力従量料金A×5%割引 |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 沖縄・島しょ部を除く全国エリア※プランごとに除外地域あり |
* 1, Source: Remix Denki Official Site * 2: Currently supporting Bitcoin * 3: Except for Hokkaido Hokuriku Okinawa Electric Power Area
* 1: "Electricity research statistics" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Resources and Energy Agency * 2: 3 Family Tsuyoshi Houses Light A 556kWh/Month (Kansai Electric Power) Usage Source: Looop Denki Official Site
おすすめポイント・「おうちでんき」でソフトバンクやワイモバイルの料金が割引・「くらしでんき」は電気料金に応じてTポイントがもらえる・「しぜんでんき」は基本料金0円・今ならキャンペーンで契約から2カ月間の電気料金無料※1ソフトバンク・ワイモバイルユーザーにお得おうちでんきお申し込みはこちらSoftBank Denki is an electric power company operated by a major telecommunications company, and can be used other than SoftBank's smartphone and Internet contractors.
There are three main prices plans for SoftBank Denki, "Home Denki", "Living Denki", and "Shizen Denki".
"Home Denki" is a plan for home with so much electricity usage, which is cheaper than Kansai Electric Power for both the minimum fee and electricity price.
For those who use SoftBank or Y -Mobile smartphones and the Internet, it is also important that each line is 110 yen including tax/monthly discount.
"Living Denki" does not change the minimum fee from Kansai Electric Power, but the higher the electricity used, the discount the unit price of the pay -as -you -go.
It is also attractive that you can get 5 points for T points for every 1,100 yen including electricity.
"Shizen Denki" is a plan that uses renewable energy, and is a plan for a basic fee (minimum fee) of 0 yen.
The electricity rate is tax in the Kansai Electric Power area 23.42 yen.It is recommended for those who want to prioritize the environment in the environment over electricity bills.
ソフトバンクでんきでは電気代が契約から2カ月間無料になるおトクなキャンペーン※1もおこなわれています。プラン名 | おうちでんき |
基本料金(最低料金) | 税込285円 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | ・15kWhまで税込285円/kWh・15kWh~120kWh税込20.3円/kWh・120kWh~300kWh税込24.1円/kWh・300kWh超過分税込27.8円/kWh |
解約金 | 解約事務手数料税込550円 |
電力提供エリア | 北海道電力エリア、東北電力エリア、東京電力エリア、中部電力エリア、関西電力エリア、中国電力エリア、四国電力エリア、沖縄電力エリア※一部地域除く |
* 1: Source up to March 31, 2022 (Thursday): Home Denki Official Site
おすすめポイント・「ブライトプラン」で年間税込4,392円ダウン※1・「基本料金ゼロプラン」で最低料金0円・「プラス・グリーン」のオプション追加で再生エネルギーを選択できるAssta Denki is operated by a group company of Atomax Co., Ltd., which handles comprehensive energy businesses.
There are a wide variety of Assta Denki's price plans, and you can choose according to your own purpose, such as the number of households, lifestyles, and a limited time.
"Bright Plan" is subject to contracts up to 60A.Both basic and pay -as -you -pay are set cheaper than Kansai Electric Power.
If you use 400kWh a month for a family of three, you can expect a cost of 366 yen including tax and 4,392 yen per year.
The "Basic Fee Zero Plan" is literally available for a basic charge (minimum fee) for 0 yen.
Kansai Electric Power Area is included in the electricity price..At 80/kwh, there is no waste because it is probably used.
Both Bright Plan and Zero Basic Fee can use renewable energy by attaching the option of "plus green".
Although the unit price of the electricity fee is slightly higher, it is recommended for those who want to give priority to the environment over cheapness.
その他にも、オール電化住宅向けの「ナイトセイバープラン」や毎月600kWhまで定額で使い放題の「でんき放題600」などプランが豊富です。プラン名 | ブライトプラン(関西エリア) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 税込266.97円 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | ・15kWhまで税込266.97円/kWh・15kWh~120kWh税込20.06円/kWh・120kWh~300kWh税込25.46円/kWh・300kWh超過分税込26.48円/kWh |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 北海道電力エリア、東北電力エリア、東京電力エリア、中部電力エリア、北陸電力エリア、関西電力エリア、中国電力エリア、四国電力エリア、九州電力エリア※一部地域除く |
* 1: An assumption of 400kWh per month for a family of three.As of January 2022 comparison with Kansai Electric Power Power Account A.Source: Assta Denki Official Website
おすすめポイント・地域電力会社の電気料を10%OFF※1と割引がわかりやすい・都市ガスとセットで電気代もガス代も割引・ユニークなキャンペーンが魅力Yoka Ene is an electric power company operated by Global Engineering Co., Ltd.
We offer not only electricity but also gas, and we offer a set discount.Yoka Ene has a simple and easy -to -understand price plan.
The electricity bill of regional power companies nationwide will be 10 % OFF * 1.All electrification plans are also eligible, but be aware that the discount rate is 3 % * 2.
The area of Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, and Toho Gas also provides city gas, and the set of gas and electricity is very good.
The discount rate of electricity rises further to 12 % OFF, and 5 % OFF * 3 for city gas.
よかエネのTwitterをリツイートすれば抽選で「明太子プレゼント+電気代ガス代無料」など、ユニークなキャンペーンも魅力です。プラン名 | ー |
基本料金(最低料金) | 契約している地域電力会社の基本料金×10%OFF |
電力量料金(従量料金) | 契約している地域電力会社の従量料金単価×月間使用量(kWh)の10%OFF |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 全国※一部地域除く |
* 1, * 2, * 3, Source: Yoka Energy Official Site
おすすめポイント・関西電力エリア新電力内で契約件数第1位※1・都市ガスとセットで電気代が割引・「スタイルプランP」「ウィズよしもとプラン」などのユニークなプランが豊富Osaka Gas electricity is literally a new electricity service operated by Osaka Gas.The number of contracts is ranked first in the new electricity area in the Kansai Electric Power area, and the number of contracts exceeds 1.5 million * 2.
We recommend "Base Plan A-G * 3", a set plan for electricity and city gas.
The minimum fee and the power rate of 120 kWh or more are discounted from the equivalent plan of Kansai Electric Power * 4, so even if the amount of power is used, it will be good.
It is also a great attraction of Osaka Gas's electricity that the unique plan is enriched.
"Style Plan P" is a plan that Osaka Gas will bear the Amazon Prime annual membership fee.Recommended for those who often watch videos in Amazon Prime.
The "Wiz Yoshimoto Plan" has a free channel with a FANY channel and a premium ticket of the Yoshimoto Kogyo theater is a half a year chance.
大阪ならではのユニークなプランで、お笑い好きな人には最適なプランでしょう。プラン名 | ベースプランA-G(大阪ガスの都市ガス契約とセット) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 税込285円(15kWhまで) |
電力量料金(従量料金) | ・15kWhまで税込285.00円/kWh・15kWh~120kWh税込20.31円/kWh・120kWh~300kWh税込24.90円/kWh・300kWh超過分税込27.83円/kWh |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 関西エリア(一部地域を除く)、以降一部メニューのみ北海道エリア、東北エリア、中部エリア、北陸エリア、中国エリア、四国エリア、九州エリア※一部離島を除く |
* 1: Power / Gas Trading Monitoring Committee "Special meeting on Verification of Electric Power / Gas Trading Monitoring Committee" 3rd distribution material (as of June 2020) * 2: 2022 As of January * 3: 3: 3:: 3: 3: 3:Kansai Electric Power Support Light A equivalent * 4: Kansai Electric Power Acceducted Light A: Osaka Gas Electric Official Site
おすすめポイント・電気とインターネットのセット割で月々の電気代ダウン・電気使用量にあわせた3つのプラン・電気とガスの新規申し込みで割引キャンペーン※6EO Electric is operated by Op Stage Co., Ltd., which is headquartered in Osaka.
It is a company that offers Internet services such as "EO Hikari" and features an electricity and net set discount.
The provided area is limited to the Kansai Electric Power area, and basically an application for EO Hikari Net is essential.
EO electricity price plans are divided into three types: "Standard Plan", "Simple Plan", and "All -Electrified Plan".
The standard plan is recommended for families with a small amount of electricity used (550 kWh/monthly standard * 1).
The basic fee is 0 yen, and a system that pays only for the electricity used.Compared to the Kansai Electric Power Acceducted Light A, it can lower the price of about 4,200 yen including tax per year * 2.
The simple plan is suitable for families with relatively large amounts of electricity (551 kWh/month or more) * 3.
Approximately 6%of Kansai Electric Power Acceducted Light A, and you can expect a price reduction of about 12,000 yen per year * 4.
The All -Electrified Plan has the same power unit price as the Kansai Electric Power's all -electric plan "Happy E -Time R", but the basic fee per month is 220 yen including tax * 5.
eo電気と関電ガスを両方新規で申し込めば、さらに割引を受けられるキャンペーンも実施中※6です。プラン名 | スタンダードプラン |
基本料金(最低料金) | 0円 |
電力量料金(従量料金) | ・15kWhまで税込18.93円/kWh・15kWh~120kWh税込20.32円/kWh・120kWh~300kWh税込24.06円/kWh・300kWh超過分税込27.27円/kWh |
解約金 | 発生する場合あり |
電力提供エリア | 関西電力エリア※一部地域を除く |
* 1 * 3, Source: EO Electric Official Site * 2: For electricity usage 300kWh/monthly use * 4: For electricity usage 600kWh/monthly use * 5: Including electrification discount * As of January 2022
おすすめポイント・初期費用・解約手数料無料・電力消費量が少ない家庭は「きほんプラン」がおトク・「生活フィットプラン」でライフスタイルにあわせた割引を受けられる・「福引チャレンジ!」で電気代が最大1万円割引になる可能性があるShin Energy is provided by a company headquartered in Hyogo Prefecture.He is involved in the development of renewable energy such as solar power, and is also constructing a power plant.
The charm of Shin Energy is that you can choose a price plan according to your lifestyle with an initial cost and cancellation fee of 0 yen.
Kihon Plan * 1 is a plan for 1-2 people with a higher discount rate as the amount of electricity to be used is low.
Kansai Electric Power Acceducted Light A's electricity rate is 4 depending on the amount of electricity used.9%to 10.7 % discount * 2.
[Lunch] Life fit plan is the cheapest electricity fee for daytime (weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00), including tax..It is 38 yen/kwh.
The basic fee is 74 compared to the E -Smart 10 of Kansai Electric Power, which is a similar plan..4%OFF, daytime fee 53.5 % OFF * 3.
[Night] Life fit plan is the cheapest power rate for nighttime (22:00 to 8:00 every day), 15 including tax..44 yen/kwh * 4.
For families with low electricity consumption during the day, they hardly spend time at home for work or leisure.
毎月抽選で100名の電気代が最大1万円OFFになる「福引チャレンジ!」のサービスも開始され、マイページからゲーム感覚で割引に挑戦できるのも魅力でしょう。プラン名 | きほんプラン(関西電力エリア) |
基本料金(最低料金) | 税込304.41円(15kWhまで) |
電力量料金(従量料金) | ・15kWhまで税込304.41円/kWh15kWh~・120kWh税込19.81円/kWh・120kWh~300kWh税込23.83円/kWh・300kWh超過分税込27.30円/kWh |
解約金 | 0円 |
電力提供エリア | 関西電力管内、東京電力管内、東北電力管内、北陸電力管内、中部電力管内、中国電力管内、四国電力管内、九州電力管内、沖縄電力管内 |
* 1: Application up to 6KVA contract capacity * 3: Kansai Electric Power's E -Smart 10 and [Lunch] In the life fit plan, the season and time break are different, so it is not the same condition.The profit rate is just a reference.Source: * 2 Source: * 4 Source: Shin Energy Official Website
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications statistical surveys in FY2020, the average electricity bill for single households is as follows.
全国エリア | 5,791円 |
関西エリア | 5,641円 |
Compared to the national average, you can see that it can be used for about 150 yen in the Kansai area.
The average power consumption of single households is about 250 kWh.
Based on this power consumption, the electricity bill in the case of Kansai Electric Power is 6,156 in a simple calculation..It means about 96 yen.
以上の結果を基に、以下の項目では単身者の方向けにより安価に利用できるおすすめの電力会社をご紹介していきます。The recommended power companies for single households are as follows.
Remix electricity is about 5,541 per month.264 yen * 1 and 615.It can be used at 696 yen cheaper.
In the case of the "Electrical Department of Divide Plan", the basic fee is 5 % from the Kansai Electric Power Usage fee and the amount of acceleration is 5 % discount, so you can use it more than usual.
仮想通貨付与プランありリミックスでんきお申し込みはこちら* 1 Except for the fuel cost adjustment amount, renewable energy power generation promoting advance, etc. are excluded.Calculation: Kansai Electric Power's electricity bill (simple calculation)… 6,156.96 x (1-0.1) = 5,541.264
About 5,541 per month.264 yen * 1 and 615.It can be used at 696 yen cheaper.
You can receive a 10 % discount every month from the amount of basic charges and pay -as -you -pay units, fuel cost adjustments, and renewable energy power generation promotion.
* 1 The amount of fuel cost adjustment, renewable energy power generation promotion, etc. are excluded.Calculation: Kansai Electric Power's electricity bill (simple calculation)… 6,156.96 x (1-0.1) = 5,541.264
Shin Energy is about 5,482 per month.36 yen * 1 and 674.It is possible to use 6 yen cheaper.
In addition to the low usage fee, the basic fee, cancellation fee, and initial cost are free, so you can use it at a great price.
業界トップクラスの安さと安心シン・エナジーでんきお申し込みはこちら* 1 The amount of fuel cost adjustment, renewable energy power generation promotion, etc. are excluded.Calculation: Basic fee: 304.41 yen + 120kWh fee… 2080.Up to 05 yen + 300kWh ... 3097.9 = 5,482.36
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications statistics survey in FY2020, the average electricity bill for two or more people is as follows.
全国エリア | 10,671円 |
関西エリア | 10,166円 |
Compared to the national average, you can see that it can be used at a low price of about 505 yen.
The average electricity consumption of two or more people is 350 kWh.
Based on the average electric consumption, the monthly electricity bill in Kansai Electric Power is 11,621 in simple calculation..It will be about 56 yen.
以上の結果を基に、以下の項目では2人以上世帯、ファミリー世帯の方向けにおすすめの電力会社をご紹介していきます。Tomorrow is about 7,700 yen * 1, 3291 than usual.It can be used at a low price of about 56 yen.
The unit price is set uniform, and the unit price is a mechanism that does not rise, so it is a nice point that the more you use it, the more you use it.
基本料金0円あしたでんきお申し込みはこちら* 1 Except for the fuel cost adjustment amount, renewable energy power generation promoting advance, etc. are excluded.Calculation: 1kwh… 22.00 yen x 350 = 7,770 yen
Looop Denki is 7840 yen * 1 and 3781.It can be used at a low price of about 56 yen.
The basic fee is 0 yen, uniform 22.In addition to 4 yen (tax included) / kWh, it is possible to start at a great deal because the cancellation fee is free and the switching work is not required.
基本料金0円Looopでんきお申し込みはこちら* 1 Except for the fuel cost adjustment amount, renewable energy power generation promoting advance, etc. are excluded.Calculation: 1kwh… 22.4 yen x 350 = 7,840 yen
The terms of "cancellation fee 0 yen" and "without the contract period" are notable points when choosing a power company.The new electricity is overkill, but it is not uncommon for you to use it.
電力会社を他に変えたいと思ったときに、解約金が発生したり契約期間の縛りがあっては、すぐに解約できずお金と時間を無駄にするでしょう。The point that should be noted when choosing a power company is the low unit price of electricity.
Many people are drawn to the basic fee (minimum fee) free plan, but if the uniform setting of the electricity rate is high, the price may be higher.
In particular, the Kansai Electric Power Area sets the lowest price instead of the basic charge, and may not be able to benefit from the basic charge.
毎月自分が使っている電力量範囲の単価が安い電力会社を選んで、最短ルートで電気代を節約しましょう。The purpose of changing from conventional power to new electricity is to "reduce electricity bills."
If you are confused by the immediate "cheapness", you will not be able to see the new power that is really "Toku".Here are some precautions when choosing a new power.
おトクな新電力には見落としてはいけない注意点があります。When changing to new electricity, we recommend that you simulate the fee.
This is because even if it is not a plan that seems to be used for the use of electricity, even if it is a plan that seems to be a good idea, such as "basic fee free" or "electricity fee 〇 discount", the price may be higher than the current situation.
First, prepare your own electric meteorological slip and invoice.
各電力会社の公式サイトにある料金シミュレーションの結果を請求書とくらべれば、自分に最適な電力会社やプランが見えてくるはずです。It is important to determine if the new electricity operating company is safe.
This is because the newly -entered power companies are not stable in management than local power companies, and may end their power sales suddenly.
Since the liberalization of electricity in 2016, the number of companies that newly enter the power retail business is increasing and competing intensely.
安い電力を使用し続けるためにも、経営が安定した企業を選ぶようにしましょう。Each power company has many campaigns where you can get discounts on new contracts.
However, if you choose only with the advantage of this campaign, the electricity price may be higher as a result.
キャンペーンを活用すればお得に始めることが可能ですが、料金プランや違約金の有無などをしっかりと確認したうえで検討しましょう。Some new electric power plans have an electric plan with a constant usage fee.
This plan is very advantageous if the amount of electricity is used, but it may be more expensive if the amount of electricity usage is small.
Therefore, it is necessary to choose a price plan that suits your lifestyle while taking into account the regular electricity usage fee.
新電力に切り替えた結果割高になってしまうと本末転倒なので、複数のサービスのプランや料金シュミレーションの結果を加味して慎重に検討しましょう。For those who live alone in the Kansai area, those who are thinking about changing electricity companies to review the electricity bill for living alone, we will introduce how to choose a power company for living alone.
選び方のポイント・ Compare the basic fee ・ Check the payment method ・ Is there a contract period?・ Cheap pay -as -you -pay ・ Is there a contract benefit or a great discount?
With the liberalization of power, the number of companies that enter new electricity is increasing one after another, but the basic rates are different.
The important thing is whether there is a plan that suits your lifestyle, but it is recommended to compare multiple.
基本料金無料のところは、その分単価が割高の傾向があるので注意しましょう。If you are a major electric power company, you can choose some options in the payment method and you can choose a convenient payment method, but please note that new power companies may have limited payment methods.
Some of the credit card payments are supported.
コンビニ振込や現金払いを選びたいのに対応していない可能性があるため、支払い方法は要チェックです。If you have a contract period for two to three years instead of reducing the basic fee or lowering the unit price, you may be charged a penalty if you cancel before expiring.
Please note that the penalty amount varies from power company to penalty, but some may be charged for 10,000 yen or more.
転勤が多い方や短期間で引っ越しする予定がある場合は、違約金なしの電力会社をおすすめします。In the case of Kansai Electric Power, the amount of electricity usage is increased as the amount of electricity is increased compared to other prefectures.
Therefore, if you choose an electric power company that can keep this pay -as -you -pay low, you may be able to reduce the electricity bill more than it is now.
For example, in the eo electricity introduced, it is possible to reduce the monthly electricity bill by contracting electricity and the Internet as a set.
By using campaigns and benefits, it is possible to start even more, so be sure to check it out.
キャンペーン内容は時期により異なります。各社の公式サイトからチェックしてみましょう。When choosing a power company, you should focus on the following points.
・基本料金や料金プランが適しているか・希望の支払い方法が選べるか・契約期間の縛りはあるか・解約金や違約金はあるか・従量料金の安さBy choosing a price plan that suits your lifestyle, you can use it at a great price without waste.
As for the payment method, each one is different, so we recommend that you carefully check if you can choose the payment method you want to use.
Also, be aware that depending on the power company you use, the contract period is defined, and a penalty may be incurred by cancellation during the period.
The following are the following when choosing a power company.
・料金シュミレーションをする・ライフスタイルに合ったプランを選ぶ・キャンペーン内容だけで選ばない・違約金のないものを選ぶIf you choose a plan that does not fit the power consumption, you may lose in some cases, so you need to choose a plan that suits your lifestyle.
It is recommended that you use the price simulation available from the official website of each power company to make it easier to choose a plan that suits you.
In addition, if you decide only by the contents of the campaign such as new contract benefits and discounts, you may be able to lose as a result, so let's choose whether it can be used continuously.
The main reasons for new electricity are that they do not hold the equipment necessary for power generation and other companies that are making profits in other businesses.
The new power company has a service form that purchases and sells electricity, so it can provide electricity without holding equipment.
In addition to reducing costs for managing equipment from ordinary power companies, it is possible to provide services inexpensive because of the revenue in other businesses.
Switching to new electricity does not change the quality of electricity.
Since the new electricity company does "electricity retail" to purchase and sell electricity, the part that transmits and distribute is the same as the general power company.
Therefore, it is possible to use electricity as a general power company.
Also, even if you switch to new power, there is no such thing as a power outage occurs frequently or a difference in recovery speed in the event of a disaster.
In the event of a disaster, it can be used with confidence as well as ordinary power companies.
The average nationwide when living alone is 5,791 yen, and the average in the Kansai area is 5,641 yen.* According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications statistical survey
However, the electricity bill fluctuates greatly depending on the time and area, and it is recommended that you look at it for reference only because the above values are only average.
The average nationwide of two or more households is 10,671 yen, and the average in the Kansai area is 10,166 yen.* According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications statistical survey
However, it is important to note that electricity bills vary depending on the usage and time of the individual.
The new electricity that can hold down the electricity bill cheaply is very attractive.However, if you do not choose a power company or a price plan that suits your electricity, you will lose.
In this era where you can choose power yourself, let's select a power company that will not regret.
今回の記事を電力会社選びの参考にしてくださいね。総務省公式サイトHISでんき公式サイトauでんき公式サイトまちエネ公式サイトLooopでんき公式サイトエルピオでんき公式サイトあしたでんき公式サイトリミックスでんき公式サイトソフトバンクでんき公式サイトアストでんき公式サイトよかエネ公式サイト大阪ガス公式サイトeo電気公式サイトシン・エナジー公式サイトNavigation Lists
Recommended new power company comparison list in the Kansai area 13 recommended power companies in the Kansai area Points to choose a power company in the Kansai area What is the average of electricity and electric consumption of single households? Recommended electric power companies for single households Two or more people ・ What is the average of electricity and electric consumption of family households? Recommended electric power companies for two or more (family) households Precautions when switching to new electricity in the Kansai area [Kansai area] How to choose an electric power company for living alone Frequently Asked Questions regarding the selection of electric power companies in the Kansai area summary This article is also recommended!Category
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