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There is no such thing as a perfect job. Whether you like the job or not, there are mornings when you hit snooze five times on your alarm clock, and there are days when you just want to go home in disgust. But if it happens every day, it means you're in the wrong job. You may not know if it applies to you. Among the hundreds of highly motivated and talented workers I've coached, it can take months (or years) to realize you're in the wrong job. From that experience, here are 11 signs to look out for to save time and reduce stress. 1. I am not using my strengths I feel like I am wasting my career experience by not utilizing my most important skills and strengths in my current job. 2. I have heard from other colleagues and friends in the industry who are being paid unfairly low wages and it is clear that they are not getting what they deserve. I've even done research to clarify my market value and know I can get a higher salary. However, the company has not changed its policy. 3. Bored You like doing challenging work and learning new things. I expected my job to be the same, but I check the clock every hour and wait for 5 o'clock. Or you are so used to a previously challenging job that it feels boring and routine, so you want to do something different. 4. I don't enjoy my job. To put it bluntly, I hate my job. If you wish you could delegate all of your work to someone else, if it's not because you're lazy or too busy but because you don't enjoy your job, that's a clear sign that you're not in the right job. is. 5. You haven't been promoted in years If you haven't been promoted in years despite being promised soon, you're likely trying to force yourself into a role that's now dwarfed. . Now is the time to start something new instead. 6. Searching job boards for fun Finding a job is more of a job than a hobby. If you're scrolling through job boards and dreaming about what life might be like at another workplace, it might be time to check it out. 7. Being overwhelmed by workload doesn't mean you hate effort. You probably worked hard to get to where you are in your career. But if your current workload feels like it could be split between two people, there's a good chance you're trying to get too much work done and not focusing on your strengths.
Next page: 8. Values and interests do not match the company's philosophy and servicespage 1/2
Last Update: Forbes JapanCategory
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